Close fictional friendships


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In one of the two Deathly Hallows imdb message forums, there was a question regarding close friendships that are not and never were romantic such as the Harry/Hermione friendship.

Can anyone else think of other close non-rmonatic friendships in the world of fiction?

Other than Harry/Hermione, I can think of the Nita/Kit friendship from The Yoing Wizards Series by Diane Duane. So far in eight of the first books, they are very close friends and partners in wizardry. In the ninth book, Nita does offhandedly refer to Kit as her boyfriend. The tenth book is being written so I don't know how it will be dealt with.

In TV, there was teh "bromance" of Turk and JD on "Scrubs" and he unusual friendship between Jack and Liz friendship on "30 Rock".

Well, there's obviously Eustace Scrubb and Jill Pole in the Chronicles. (And, for that matter, Bree and Hwin.)
I was going to say Jill and Eustace, but since they're already taken...

Ah, Digory and Polly!

It's surprisingly hard to come up with something. Most fictional characters that were 'just friends' ended up marrying each other eventually. :p
yes... and all of the hobbits... I get quite ticked off by people who insist on making romantic connections there...
Modern obsession with "romance" (and other things). They can't seem to grasp there could be close, even intimate, relationships between characters without hormones being involved. Frodo and Samwise, for example, or Gimli and Legolas, were best of friends and went through a lot together. Only modern perversion would seek to superimpose a "romantic" component.
You all left out the most important friendships (for us, Narnians that is): Lucy and Mr. Tumnus!!!
Another one would also possibly be Lyra and Roger from His Dark Materials. She sacrifices a lot just to see him one last time and say that she is sorry to him.

I also can't believe I didn't think of Eustace/Jill or Polly/Digory.

And while I only saw the movies, I agree with Sam/Frodo. That is a very close friendship, virtually brothers.

Is this limited just to male/female friendships? If not...

Well, Frodo and Sam have been mentioned as have Lucy and Tumnus....

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. As Holmes says in the new movie, "AS usual Watson, I am always glad to have some one on this case to whom I can fully relly on." One Holmes critic has noted that in the books, this friendship is one of the few meaningful human connections Holmes makes.

Charlie Brown and Linus Van Pelt. Linus even said as much a few times, much to Charlie's surprise!

Captain James Tibereus Kirk, Mr. Spock and Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy in Star Trek.

I'll probably add more later.

@PoTW, they also probably have no concept of the "war-time" friendship. While Tolkien despised allegorizing, the friendship of the Fellowship would certainly be applicable to the war-time friendship idea. Of course, since Tolkien served in WWI, he would have been more then familiar with it.
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