Clue rpg

ooc: I have no idea.. I think I'm still searching Mark's dad's room, lol

ic: Lily decided that there might be something in the articles, but she didn't have enough time to read them fully. She was beginning to get long did she have before Mark's father came in?

She crossed the room to look at the clock and noticed it didn't work. That's odd, she thought.
"True. But I'm starting to think that he can disappear at will."

ooc: Do you ever feel like you've completely killed an RPG? Like people say, wow, I have no idea what to say, then no one responds for like a week? I feel like that a lot.
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SaffronRose said:
"True. But I'm starting to think that he can disappear at will."

ooc: Do you ever feel like you've completely killed an RPG? Like people say, wow, I have no idea what to say, then no one responds for like a week? I feel like that a lot.

ooc: YEAH same here. This thread is really dead without Tiff. :(
Lucy the Marshwiggle said:
ooc: YEAH same here. This thread is really dead without Tiff. :(
ooc:Looks like I gotthis place pretty dead, huh? Well don't get excited by this post. I'm just posting to let you know I'll be able to come back around Dec 7th or so. Glad you didn't forget about me!
Princess_Iliana said:
ooc:Looks like I gotthis place pretty dead, huh? Well don't get excited by this post. I'm just posting to let you know I'll be able to come back around Dec 7th or so. Glad you didn't forget about me!

ooc: We can NEVER forget about you! You are too special to us! :)
SaffronRose said:
Its really cool
so are we just gonna wait for her to come back(?), cause i have no problem with that.

ooc: you seriously want to wait until early December for me to come back? :eek: :confused: I'm flattered and confused at the same time.. anyways, I'm good with whatever you choose.. and hopefully I'll be back early Dec.
Talk to you all soon!
SaffronRose said:
question... where are you anyway? I mean, why aren't you on anymore, if you don't mind telling us...

ooc: nah, I don't really mind. See I had a 'C' in geometry the first grading quarter and my parents said that was unacceptable and the next grading quarter I was unable to get that 'C' up because I started to fix it after it was too late in that grading quarter.. so they took my computer privledges, atleast social computer, away until the next grade card comes out.. with atleast a 'B' in geomerty.. Dec. 7th is when this gradin quarter ends nad then report cards come out like a week later... so I'll be back around then.
I'm probably not doing my self any favours by taking the risk of getting in more trouble by sneaking so I'm gonna go now. I'll talk to you all soon.
SaffronRose said:
I'm sure you'll do great, now that you're buckling down on yourself!

Thanks. I just can't wait until this grading quarter ends and get some of the pressure of my parents off my back... meh.. I'm still posting.. I should go. And the chances of me being able to sneak on again are very slim, just so you know, so I probably won't beable to post until Dec.