~Grateful * Surrender~
New member
Nick looked down and back and then at adina, "I wouldn't want to beet you too badly I mean don't want to embarrass you or anything." nick said with a jesting smirk
Nick looked down and back and then at adina, "I wouldn't want to beet you too badly I mean don't want to embarrass you or anything." nick said with a jesting smirk
"You mean that you dont want to be embarressed when I beat you," Adina said.
Nick smiled, " Ok so first one to the end of the pool wins. loser has to buy the winner dinner tonight." Nick waited to see if she would go for it.
Nick smiled a nodding in thought, “Wow taking on the hard core.” He said. “What made you want to do that? I mean what made you decide that you want to investigate crime for the rest of your life?”
Ceagin looked at his lap avoiding eye contact, “Honestly Sarah, I…” He looked up to face her his voice changing from embarrassed to confidant, “ I most likely will be a pro athlete.” He smiled, “ I don’t think I would have enough patience to be anything else.” He said again in his smooth and charming tone.
Sarah shrugged. "I could've guessed that. You play so many sports my guess is you're good at one." She laughed. She then saw her watch and said, "Oh, it's really late. I should probably get going." She stood up. "I had a really nice time. Maybe I'll see you around."
ooc:Sorry it took so long to reply. Computer time hasn't been coming easily![]()
Adina grinned, "I beat you."
Ceagin smiled. "yah that would be nice." he said as he opened the door for her.
occ: that's ok I understand. so this is just a little back trackig.