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Nick took his starting position, "Yah well hope you have plenty too." he winked and then began the count down, "on your marks. get set, go!" and with that he plunged forward. he could se Adina right beside him this would be a close one.
Nick smiled a nodding in thought, “Wow taking on the hard core.” He said. “What made you want to do that? I mean what made you decide that you want to investigate crime for the rest of your life?”

Ceagin looked at his lap avoiding eye contact, “Honestly Sarah, I…” He looked up to face her his voice changing from embarrassed to confidant, “ I most likely will be a pro athlete.” He smiled, “ I don’t think I would have enough patience to be anything else.” He said again in his smooth and charming tone.

Sarah shrugged. "I could've guessed that. You play so many sports my guess is you're good at one." She laughed. She then saw her watch and said, "Oh, it's really late. I should probably get going." She stood up. "I had a really nice time. Maybe I'll see you around."

ooc:Sorry it took so long to reply. Computer time hasn't been coming easily:rolleyes:
Sarah shrugged. "I could've guessed that. You play so many sports my guess is you're good at one." She laughed. She then saw her watch and said, "Oh, it's really late. I should probably get going." She stood up. "I had a really nice time. Maybe I'll see you around."

ooc:Sorry it took so long to reply. Computer time hasn't been coming easily:rolleyes:

Ceagin smiled. "yah that would be nice." he said as he opened the door for her.

occ: that's ok I understand. so this is just a little back trackig.
ooc:Okay, thanks.:D

Sarah woke up in her bed. She stretched out and looked at the clock. "Noon." She yawned. "I've slept half the day away." She slowly got up and got showered and dressed. Then she grabbed her purse and left her dorm. She wandered the halls, then went outside for some fresh air.
Ceagin rubbed his eyes as he rolled out of bed. still half asleep he pulled on some cargo jeans a billabong t-shirt and a skater cap. he grabbed his wallet and jammed it into his back pocket. I need Coffeehe thought as he slipped on his billabong shoes and left the room. The sun was obnoxiously bright and his sunglasses came in handy. he strolled over to the nearest coffee shop and ordered a caramel macchiato with one pump of white chocolate and two shots.
After yawning a countless number of times, Sarah realized she needed caffeine. She walked in the shop and saw Ceagin. She went to the clerk next to him and said, "Hey." Then she ordered coffe with cream. After taking a sip she turned to Ceagin. "Just wake up?"
"Yeah, I loved it. Good food, good music, good dancing." She blushed as the last word left her mouth. "Hey, can I ask you something. You don't have to answer, I know it's probably personal but...what was the deal with those two boys last night? Why were they fighting?"
Ceagin let out a sigh and tooka drink of his coffee, "Chez the one who sort of looked like a goth has a tendency to create a rift wherever he is. He doesn't...when people get to close he...he's just like that." Ceagin realized how stupid he probably sounded but he couldn't say any more.
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