Debate on the Healthiness of Fangirlism

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Yeah I have to say that as far as this new question goes, I don't see anything wrong with having the celebrity in your signature at all. From the "fan girl" (I don't like that term) perspective, its a way of showing that you like the actor and think they are talented and cute. Its also a way of belonging to a group on a forum. I mean, I think Skandar is cute in the same way my little brother is cute (I am 8 years older after all) but he's still in my avatar because some of my first friends on this site were Skandarnites and so I keep that as a reflection of that. And it says nothing against the celebrity. Every celebrity in the world knows that this happens if they become famous. Many have said in interviews to be flattered by fans and their attentions. And again, I don't know that its fair to say just girls are the problem. Both girls and boys are fans of celebrities and I would actually argue that its much more dangerous and detrimental for a boy to have pictures of a female celebrity than it is for a girl to have pics of a male celebrity. but that's a whole other discussion.
onlymystory said:
Yeah I have to say that as far as this new question goes, I don't see anything wrong with having the celebrity in your signature at all. From the "fan girl" (I don't like that term) perspective, its a way of showing that you like the actor and think they are talented and cute. Its also a way of belonging to a group on a forum. I mean, I think Skandar is cute in the same way my little brother is cute (I am 8 years older after all) but he's still in my avatar because some of my first friends on this site were Skandarnites and so I keep that as a reflection of that. And it says nothing against the celebrity. Every celebrity in the world knows that this happens if they become famous. Many have said in interviews to be flattered by fans and their attentions. And again, I don't know that its fair to say just girls are the problem. Both girls and boys are fans of celebrities and I would actually argue that its much more dangerous and detrimental for a boy to have pictures of a female celebrity than it is for a girl to have pics of a male celebrity. but that's a whole other discussion.

thank you.
i dont understand why it would bother other members if we've got banners with other actors in them. it just means we're fans, and it isnt hurting anyone. just let us do what we want, and as WPMlover said a while back, the willianites (and the other -ites as well, i suppose) is more a thread where we've all become friends and chat together when we're on about varying subjects. we dont get on and just talk about will nonstop for four hours, nor do we constantly look at his picture.

and its not like we're taking this "obsession", as some would call it, to an extreme-- do we go around town shouting about how much we love an actor, or just mope around the house all day staring at his picture? NO! it doesnt affect our real lives outside of the internet at all, other than occasionally watching the movie or catching an interview. if anything, all it has done is help us meet more friendly people! it isn't making our lives unhealthy.
I think fangirlism if fine, but absolutley OBBSESSING over them, is not healthy. Do not hate fangirls, they are more supporters. Willianites and Skandarites simply support William and Skandar in whatever they are doing, as well as thinking them seriously attractive too.
onlymystory said:
Yeah I have to say that as far as this new question goes, I don't see anything wrong with having the celebrity in your signature at all. From the "fan girl" (I don't like that term) perspective, its a way of showing that you like the actor and think they are talented and cute. Its also a way of belonging to a group on a forum. I mean, I think Skandar is cute in the same way my little brother is cute (I am 8 years older after all) but he's still in my avatar because some of my first friends on this site were Skandarnites and so I keep that as a reflection of that. And it says nothing against the celebrity. Every celebrity in the world knows that this happens if they become famous. Many have said in interviews to be flattered by fans and their attentions. And again, I don't know that its fair to say just girls are the problem. Both girls and boys are fans of celebrities and I would actually argue that its much more dangerous and detrimental for a boy to have pictures of a female celebrity than it is for a girl to have pics of a male celebrity. but that's a whole other discussion.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You actually understand what I'm saying!!!! Its called a phase because it doesn't last forever! Almost every one has this phase when they are a teenager. And why is it that the 'finger is pointed' at fangirls? Its because everyone thinks that us girls are more crazy about it, but truly, we aren't the only ones.
As I said before, there are fanboys out there, which I said Asphodel proved. He told me that he used to have celebrity crush and did something that he thinks is absurd now. Most of us 'fangirls' (which I agree, is a horrible term) will probably think it was absurd of our crushes when we are older but I don't think there is a way to actualy stop this phase!
Hmm, okay, I'm okay, since no one is oopsing my point I'll do it my self!!!

Side#1: opposing the side I'm truly on. (AKA me trying to act like these guys.)
Its un healthy for girls to obsess over someone they will never meet.

Side#2:(my real side)
how is it an unhealthy state of being? It doesn't hurt any one physicaly or mentaly at all. And why just girls?

Side#1:(me acting as a guy)
Because girls are stupid and will never learn, and as for us, macho guys, we know how stupid it is to obsess over a hot person.

Side#2:(acting as me, again)
On the contrary. Guys do obsess over famous girls too!

(How do you like my impression? :D )
EveningStar said:
I don't think "fangirlism" is necessarily harmful. If it invades on someone's ability to make friends in the real world or to develop into a healthy, well rounded woman, then yes it is harmful for that person.

There is a wonderful quality to the human psyche, the ability to suspend disbelief. That allows us to immerse ourselves in science fiction, romance, and mystery novels. That allows us to enjoy Star Wars without obsessing over the fact it was actually all shot on Earth.

Part of the fun of being a fan girl is ignoring the obvious fact that most people won't ever actually meet Skandar Keynes or William Moseley, much less be romantically involved with them. That doesn't mean fangirls don't know this, but it's part of the fun of being a fangirl to temporarily ignore this and not dwell on it just because it's so. This is suspension of disbelief, a normal part of human daydreaming.

John B.

I think being a fan girl or guy is fine...there's nothing wrong with daydreaming or fantasizing about a celebrity. The chances of a young fan girl becoming so obsessed it's unhealthy are a lot less than say, some older unbalanced person becoming obsessed. We know that celebrities deal with those kind of people on a regular basis, but they're usually not teen girls :). And I'm almost 40 years old and still consider my self a 'fan girl' of many actors.

My concern would be the current trend where we have to delve into every private aspect of a celebrity's life, and that to me isn't cool. I think celebrities need to have their privacy as well. Some seem to be in the news all the time, but there are those who manage to conceal their lives and don't let everything hang out in public either.
Princess_Iliana said:
First of all, All I have been hearing here is fan girl, fan girl, fan girl!
What about Boy fans? Boys have the same phase over a famous girl too.
Asphodel, proved that for me, yesterday. I don't understand why its always that the 'fangirls' are the 'unhealthy obsessors' and yet, fanboys are not.
Does that make any sense to any one?
I apologize, I should have made sure to add that, though I must say it's entirely different. Guys may like girls strongly, but they do not go on forums and display their affection with hundreds of pictures of a celebrity. There's a distinguishment between identities. Now, I'm not entirely saying this is a bad thing, I'm stating a fact. This is an open debate, and I'll attempt to be as least biased as is possible.
onlymystory said:
Yeah I have to say that as far as this new question goes, I don't see anything wrong with having the celebrity in your signature at all. From the "fan girl" (I don't like that term) perspective, its a way of showing that you like the actor and think they are talented and cute. Its also a way of belonging to a group on a forum. I mean, I think Skandar is cute in the same way my little brother is cute (I am 8 years older after all) but he's still in my avatar because some of my first friends on this site were Skandarnites and so I keep that as a reflection of that. And it says nothing against the celebrity. Every celebrity in the world knows that this happens if they become famous. Many have said in interviews to be flattered by fans and their attentions. And again, I don't know that its fair to say just girls are the problem. Both girls and boys are fans of celebrities and I would actually argue that its much more dangerous and detrimental for a boy to have pictures of a female celebrity than it is for a girl to have pics of a male celebrity. but that's a whole other discussion.
I don't mean to sound crude, but I'd strongly question whether or not fangirls like Will or Skandar or whoever it is because they have talent. I think there is a fine line between acknowledging the fact that you think a person is attractive, but when it comes to plastering it all over your signature with things like "Pro-Team Movement for Mankind" or whatever it is because it made a guy strong or something, that just seems to me a little unhealthy.

But just my opinion, as always.
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true, but girls are more emotional. Guys are more physical, very dont let my feelings show(most, not all). For instance, girls may have pics to show that they like an actor. A guy may just read and reply to what people say. While girls do that also, it was just a point i was trying to make. As a girl, i get worked up about alot of things. I just use my heart more than my head sometimes.
Asphodel said:
I don't mean to sound crude, but I'd strongly question whether or not fangirls like Will or Skandar or whoever it is because they have talent. I think there is a fine line between acknowledging the fact that you think a person is attractive, but when it comes to plastering it all over your signature with things like "Pro-Team Movement for Mankind" or whatever it is because it made a guy strong or something, that just seems to me a little unhealthy.

But just my opinion, as always.
okay first of all, im in PTMM because I LOVE tea. I loved it before i came to this site. The people who did that were kidding. They actually like tea lol.
and second, yeah i do think will is an amazing actor. I do think he is attractive. So? im not hurt ny it. A guy may say Angelina Jolie or someone like that is attractive, but it doesnt mean youre going to get hurt by it.
I think fandom is about finding an actor or actress attractive just as much as talent. Nothing wrong with that.
Ok, then what are people suppose to put on their sigs? Signatures is a way for people to indentify themselves and let other people know their interests.
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