Deep Magic?.

i think of magic in harry potter just as part of the fantasy, what makes it action and adventure in HP is the magic. I just think its replacing like, sword fighting or arrows. I mean. If hogwarts had been a school for kids gifted in archery. People wouldn't think it was 'evil'.
I have to shake my head in comiseration and sympathy. When I was in elementary school, our pastor claimed that comic books were tools of the devil, and my mother threw all of my (now collectible) comic books into the garbage.

A few years ago, a new convention for spelling magic became "magik" to describe the use of spell and such.

But I find magic all over the place. There is the magic of love, the magic of birth, etc.

And then there is the magic of salvation!

It is a shame that some people are "threatened" by "forces," if you will, that will shake "the faith." That, in and of itself, questions how deep "the faith" is in an individual. I can only smile and move on. Some people like to live in tiny little fortifications and then wonder why they are not happy. Hopefully some powerful magic from the Holy Spirit will one day knock down these restraining walls and open up the whole world to them.
As far as magic goes iin HP, LoTR, and CoN:

Magic is hardly ever referenced in CoN. When it is, the only time it's performed by a human from our world who is not evil is when Lucy reads from the book on the Dufflepud island. (And her eavesdropping has bad consequences.)

In LoTR only the elves and wizards can do magic. The elves don't even call it magic; it's a part of their nature.

In HP it's a given that if you haven't manifested some kind of magical ability at an early age, you're a muggle, so the books don't encourage experimentation with the occult.

Harry Potter is fun. The Narnia books are profoundly and overtly Christian. The Lord of the Rings is profoundly and intrinsically Catholic, but that's a topic for another site.
I disagree

Well waterhogboy i well have to disagree with you, Just becouse of what some of the other members of sied and what i have frind in my studly of this topic........
You believe then, that we inherit eternal life through some sort of magic. Remember that in the Bible Jesus' miracles are NEVER referred to as magic, and these days magic is associated with the occult and as derived from either the devil or simply 'natural forces'.
I agree with Waterhogboy. I don't feel that what God has done in my life is magic. I can see where the train of thought is going there....but I don't feel comfortable calling it magic.
magic is just a word -- we have no problem with CS Lewis calling salvation in Narnia "Deep Magic," so I don't think we need to be so fearful about the word itself.

There is magic all around us, as Wallis observed, and it has nothing to do with witches, wizards or pulling rabbits out of a hat. It's in the every-day miraculous that God puts in front of our eyes.
Well, it can feel magical in way, but I agree with Hope and WHB it isn't magic, its God. The work of the Holy Sprit and our Salvation may feel magical becasue is so incomprehensible to our human minds. We can call it magic, but truely isn't magic in our definition of the word.

Here, Are some vise's i have gatherd to day about our topic.

Bible vises on staff’s
1. Ps,23,14

Bible vises talking about Sorcerer, Sorcerers, Sorceress.

Pages talking about magic in LWW.
1.pp,LWW 145-155-163- 178-178-79
Well, this thread has clearly gotten into the inability to distinguish literary devices and actual occultism. Apparently largely because someone told a member of the thread that LOTR/TCON/HP were all the same magic. That is not true. And it is also not true that all magic is magick is magic(?) - however many ways people prefer to misspell it! For an interesting and informed view of this matter (rather than running off other people's misconceptions!) you can check out John Granger's LOOKING FOR GOD IN HARRY POTTER and his website There are also potential differentiations in LOOKING FOR GOD IN THE LORD OF THE RINGS and in the soon to be released book on Narnia referenced on this site (there was a chapter excerpt on the main links page last week).

The Deep Magic of Narnia is the concept of the natural moral order implanted in the hearts and minds of mankind and beasts by Aslan. The Deeper Magic is the supernatural moral order. So the Witch knew of her rights as per Justice, Patience, Temperance, and Courage. Aslan was raised by Faith, Hope, and Love. It was the latter three that saved Edmund from natural law in Narnia. And it does the same for us in this world, when we know Aslan by His Name in our world! (Just as Aslan told the Pevensies!)
I agree that God's work is not magic.

But then the old services that promoted "being a clown for Christ" was not meant to be taken literally either.

TO beat a dead horse, I suppose, if we take the etymology of the word (c.1384, "art of influencing events and producing marvels,"), then from the standpoint of we humans cannot fathom God's understanding, it is all like magic. And what wonderful magic it is. It's true and beyond all comprehension, not fake like stage conjurers and charlatans.

Mmm Wallis, I well have to disagree with you agien, if you look at the vise's i have posted you can say that, In a way God does uses magic, If that makes since.?
True too.

That is true too Wallis, You do have a very good port there thou, I just think overwise just becouse of what i have froind doing my resarth on this.....
God, magic? uhhh, i disagree, i dont think he is magical, he is God he is powerful, he moves on mysterious ways, he is the holy spirit i dont think he is magic.
If magic = art of influencing events and producing marvels,

then who would be magic except God? He is the only marvel producer I know of.
I know what your saying, but I think magic suggests a mystical thing without a definite origin - which obviously isn't what God does. I'm not denying you can call it magic, and I dont have a problem with it being called magic in an allegory. But i today's world with HP and stuff like that saying that God does magic is very...... wrong, is really the only word i can think of.