Deleated Scene?


New member
In the theatrical trailer for the movie there is a clip at the end of Peter twirling some blonde girl while dancing at the coronation celebrationg. Is that a deleated scene?? and if so, when the DVD(s) come out, is it going to be included somewhere on the disks?
My brother pointed that out to me today. I thought I'd seen it somewhere but guess I was wrong... book/movie meshes together sometimes for me xD
It leaves hope to say that there are indeed deleted scenes. It would be awesome if they actually finished the 3rd effects in the scenes (I've seen deleted scenes where they gave up halfway through, it looks ugly) :p

I've never seen a DVD with only one deleted scene though.
The only deleted scene was the dance scene.

This is because they did a little raw make of the movie animated called pre-viz which basically has the whole movie in basic form to get a general idea of what they need to do for the shoots. Because they had the movie all planned out they didnt need to take anything out (except that one scene). They probably will have a bunch of extra features but not any more deleted scenes most likely.
Iamnotjustdreaming said:
The only deleted scene was the dance scene.

This is because they did a little raw make of the movie animated called pre-viz which basically has the whole movie in basic form to get a general idea of what they need to do for the shoots. Because they had the movie all planned out they didnt need to take anything out (except that one scene). They probably will have a bunch of extra features but not any more deleted scenes most likely.

I am glad that they didnt have too many deleted scenes, i cant wait to this dancing one Peter and the Dryad look great dancing together:p
Its good there werent dozens of Del.scenes like in the Pirates of the Caribbean dvd there were sooooooooooooooo many deleted scenes it wasnt evenb funny,wthere were at leats like 12 deleted scenes :eek: :cool: I found them mostly boring too.
Awwh, only one? Are you 100% on that? :(

Hopefully there's a chance for CE only scenes... or even a different ending. Yeah not sure what they'd do with that but you never know.
There was one scene that my father pointed out today that was in the books, but not in the movie. That is the scene where the WW turns a feast of animals into stone, right after Santa has come and given everyone gifts. If it was a deleted scene, I would love to see how they interpretted this.

Also, I don't mind many deleted scenes, but I dislike when they cut out 30 seconds of a scene, or one line, and they have to play a 2 minute scene just to understand where that line was placed. This may not seem annoying at first, but I watched a set of deleted scenes (I forget from which movie) and they played about 5 of them in a row. Trust me, it was the most annoying thing on the face of the planet.
Now, if they wanted to be really clever, they ought to add a couple of new scenes now, before the DVD release. The added expense would be more than covered in the renewed interest and the media coverage due to its novelty.

Thinking out of the box, you know. In case anyone is listening (Mr. Adamson, Mr. Gresham, others) I hereby relinquish any legal rights to the abovementioned idea as well as disaow any right to future compensation as a result of its success, etc etc...
Yeah Andrew Adamson said the only deleted scene was the Dance Scene. People are so excited to see Peter dance with the Dryad but I can't wait to see Susan dancing with Mr. Fox!
There was one scene that my father pointed out today that was in the books, but not in the movie. That is the scene where the WW turns a feast of animals into stone, right after Santa has come and given everyone gifts. If it was a deleted scene, I would love to see how they interpretted this
This is an omitted scene whicdh is different than a deleted scene. It was in the books but not filmed. Instead they had the story with the fox and the badger's getting turned into stone instead of the scene in the books.

The only DELETED (filmed but not in theatrical version) scene was the coronation dancing scene.

I found this out in the illustrated guide to the movie.
Im not saying i dont like deleted scenes, i like them alot but there were like 12 and it got annyoing thats what i ws saying and meaning
I cant wait for POTC2 to come out on July 7th, cant wait:):)