Discuss the White Witches in BBC and Walden

But in fairness to Tilda Swinton, she was reported to be a great trouper on the production location, constantly looking out for fellow performers and keeping up their spirits with her good humor.

The BBC's witch was fantastic. Frightening and beautiful. The Disney witch was too ... gaunt. Not scary, just ... like something was wrong with her. She also was NOT beautiful, and Jadis/the White Witch/etc. was/were gorgeous as well as terrifying.

(I'm not sure which witch is Tilda, but that's my two cents' worth.)
The BBC's witch was fantastic. Frightening and beautiful. The Disney witch was too ... gaunt. Not scary, just ... like something was wrong with her. She also was NOT beautiful, and Jadis/the White Witch/etc. was/were gorgeous as well as terrifying.

(I'm not sure which witch is Tilda, but that's my two cents' worth.)

I agree with you for the most part. Though I don't think Tilda wasn't beautiful - just beautiful in the wrong way - too nicely beautiful.

And Copperfox - I imagine Tilda was lovely during filming. I wonder if that affected the way the kids acted with her though. It would have been funny if they'd been frightened by her off stage too :D
Well, for one, the BBC witch way overdid the whole thing. I think she just completely overacted the whole part, but that is my opinion. It has been maybe 3 years since I last read The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, but from what I know and remember, I think Walden Media's witch did it far better.
They are both very good witches. Barbras witch was more scareir then tilda. but in my oppinion tilda was the better actress. this is just my oppinion so don't shout at me because of my view.
I think that's a very good summary and I would agree! Thanks for the input sfl1983 - nice to see you around here. I haven't seen you properly before so welcome!

I think Tilda's better acting shows a general feature of the Walden versions that beat the BBC ones. As ever, though, the BBCs shall remain my favourites
From reading the books, Jadis is pretty dramatic. That's how Lewis wrote her. I thought Barbara did a fantastic job and she was very scary. Tilda looked great in the trailer but was a little too subdued throughout the movie and her sudden bursts of anger were not as believable for me. Although Barbara's could have been toned down just a teeny tiny bit I suppose. I definitely like the BBC costuming, makeup and sets a lot better. I don't feel additions like a polar bear or ice crown, however creative, are necessary.