Discuss the White Witches in BBC and Walden

I actually got scared of the Walden White Witch. xD *shot* But I haven't even seen the BBC version or the animated version, so I don't really have any opinions. :p
I think the truth of the matter is that Barbara is very scary for young children. Her acting style was very much 'frightening pantomime witch' that could make a little kid cry.

However, in the Hollywood film Tilda goes for a more subtle scary, attempting to be more chilling.

I think I like Barbara's more because I always read the Witch in the books as a bit of a charicature, and Barb's portrayal is much more like that. I mean the children are... children and I think a child would find Barbara scarier than Tilda... though perhaps not an adult.
Barbara just seemed to go way too over the top and that just sort of canceled out canceled out any other advantages she had over Tilda...it really bugs me when actors go overboard like that and are too dramatic, so Barbara just drove me up the wall.
Tilda only really scared me during the Stone Table scene..that bit where she kills Aslan..she just looks..wild! :eek:

I don't know if I'll ever be able to pick a favourite..but I guess I don't really have to. Barbara was the one giving me nightmares but she was also way over the top which annoys me. Tilda would never ever go over the top like that,her performance was flawless but she didn't scare me. If you mixed the two together it could end up really great!
I thought Tilda Swinton`s performance was very subtle and in a way downright terrifying.
Barbara Kellerman`s performance is good, but a bit stage orientated and conventional `Wicked Witch` and its actually quite difficult to see Edmund to be anything other than be a bit suspicious of her from the beginning.
Tilda, on the other hand plays her as quite charming and unthreatening on the surface and it easy to see how he gets drawn in by her at fist.
Its only later that her true nature is shown, the `sold you out for sweeties` line shows that, even when she has the upper hand she would much rather be nasty in a rather petty way than commit any small act of kindness.
The way Tilda does it gives the character a depth that you dont get with Barbara`s version.
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That's a good summation Asbel. I think you're quite right. Tilda's portrayal is much more devious and really comes across more evil than Barbara's.
I second that! I wouldn't go anywhere near Barbara's version,nevermind sit down with her and accept sweets from her :eek: More likely run the opposite way as fast as I could :p
I dunno. My mum's about as scary as Barbara playing the WW, and if she told me to sit and have tea with her, I'd come running, making the tea as I came!!
My wife bought me a copy of the BBC series for our wedding anniverssay this weekend (I missed it when it was originally broadcast). I think the White Witch is played very well, she portrayed her mood swings quite convincingly. I have not watched all of the programes yet, at present watching the Dawn Treader series. A set of DVD's well worth getting.
I agree. I think Silver Chair is the best done of the lot, and Tom Baker as Puddleglum is brilliant!

Hope you enjoy them
Yes!! How on earth do you cram the longest book into 1 hour!?

The problem of putting books into film is that the script writers tend to cut the story to the bone and quite often ruin it. I watched the full series the other day and wondered sometimes if they had read the same books as we have. I have noticed that this happens with feature films quite a lot. Just look at Potter 6 as a prime example.

But on the plus side, the series does at least give a very good outline of the books, I enjoy the series immensley.:)
I think the BBC versions are much more faithful to the storylines than the Disney films are. That's at least one advantage they have.
Anyway, back on subject. When I saw the BBC Witch as a kid, I just laughed. Tilda could have been paler, but I like the light blond (almost white) hair. And her acting was way better. I found the scene in the castle to be creepy, and the Stone Table scene was especially chilling (her eyes were so dialated that they looked black without the white, and telling Aslan her plans so he would despair was also chilling). Tilda also seemed more haughty than Barbara, which is why some people seem to think she's more like an evil queen (which, by the way, she is :D). Her scariest moment was the scene in Prince Caspian, in my opinion.
But in fairness to Tilda Swinton, she was reported to be a great trouper on the production location, constantly looking out for fellow performers and keeping up their spirits with her good humor.