Do you beleive there is a Narnia?


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Do you beleive there is another world than the one we live in? A new place? Waiting for it to be discovered, that proves everything we've ever dreamed of is not a fantasy but a reality?[/I]

I hope there is one. Tolkien talked about another world, but Lewis descriped so many different worlds. I would walk into another world right now if it was possible.
Oh boy, wouldn't it make you feel curious? To discover another world?
Yes I do. Everytime I open my closet, a gentle yet chilly breeze gushes past my cheeks while for the briefest moment an unearthly glow that seems to come from nowhere gently illuminates the back portion of my closet. Before I can react, it's all gone. I guess I'm not yet ready to enter.

I wish there was another world, on such as Narnia, where there are Talking animals, satyrs, fauns, dryads, minotaurs and all that. It would be awesome. But I do not believe that there is a world such as that, atleast in this lifetime, and even there I don't believe there are dryads or fauns or anything.
yeah it would be totally awesome if there were other worlds besides our's. if i found one, i'd take my best friend along with me, and we could spend the rest of our days there. it would be so awesome to meet aslan, but then again, we have our own aslan here in our world, and if any of you didn't know, his name is jesus

but i'd have to say no, i don't believe that there are other worlds, besides heaven and hell
haha diddo i will take my b.F.f it will b awesome hehe yeah.... !!
shmeepie said:
yeah it would be totally awesome if there were other worlds besides our's. if i found one, i'd take my best friend along with me, and we could spend the rest of our days there. it would be so awesome to meet aslan, but then again, we have our own aslan here in our world, and if any of you didn't know, his name is jesus

but i'd have to say no, i don't believe that there are other worlds, besides heaven and hell
There is no Biblical evidence against the existance of other creations just as there is no Biblical evidence for them.

The hardest thing you ever set out to do is to prove something does not exist. It will keep you busy for a long, long time.
Well, the truth is, there are billions upon billions upon billions of other worlds out there in God's universe. To say, however, if there is life out there or places like Narnia or Arda or Charn, etc., etc., is not for me to say yes or no. It would be lovely to visit Narnia, but for now it remains a magical land I can go to as often as I like through the books and through pure imagination. :D
Pringle said:
Yes I do. Everytime I open my closet, a gentle yet chilly breeze gushes past my cheeks while for the briefest moment an unearthly glow that seems to come from nowhere gently illuminates the back portion of my closet. Before I can react, it's all gone. I guess I'm not yet ready to enter.

Yes I really do believe in narnia!!!!! :)

Weird this happens to me alot exept I usually hear like faint voices or battle cries....

I think when I was very small I visited narnia,but it seem's like a big dream ready to be witnessed again.........
Yes it is fun to think about there being another world or realm, but I don't feel there is other than the the ones that God has already created. I do think that thinking and imagining about there being fantastic places makes us see the enchanting aspects of our own word. I think that point was brought up in one of the books I have read about Lewis but I can't remember which one.
I believe in other worlds in a sense of Heaven and Hell, and there are other galaxies and planets...but whether there's life on them, I dunna' know. But if there was another world (Narnia or something else), you'd be sure I'd be there in the blink of an eye and never, never leave. :)
Narnia existed inside C.S. Lewis. Because everything Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy thought and felt was thought and felt by him, they existed too.

By his life, he brought Narnia into existence. And for everyone who grew a little spiritually or emotionally by reading his stories, Narnia exists in them too.

Charles Dickens put it best when he said he was "loathe to finish David Copperfield because these characters are my children and in putting down my pen I am parted from them."

In the meanwhile, however, I will keep feeling around in wardrobes the way some people feel in the coin slot in a pay phone, hoping to get lucky.
if there was another world i don't know if i would want to got there, i mean like u never know what it could be like or sumthin. but i think it would be cool if things like fauns, dworfs, etc. etc. exsisted.
Just an opinion

I also believe there could be other creations out there on other planets of other galaxies. They are so vast, and when looking for someone to pay the penalty for says: the heavens were searched...and mentions the places above and below the earth being searched.

There's so much we don't know about our own galaxy. Oh, when I was little I pushed aside my clothes in my closet......wondered if i could get in through paintings....wondered if there was a door in school always locked that I could get in through.....

Narnia to C.S. Lewis was a way of telling the readers that the children were made for 'another world'......not particularly Narnia or even their own world--but in the stories.....that turned out to be Aslan's Country (the real country where by all countries were copied) after Narnia is liberated from the shadowlands.

As far as believing there is an actual, I don't, but I do think C.S. Lewis replied to one child who wrote to him asking how to get to Narnia.....I can't remember his answer straight out, but it was classic of his children's replies. He never discouraged the desparate longing children felt for a place like Narnia--so he never told kids anything like, "Don't ask me about Aslan because He's not real!" He had had the same longings himself of wishing and wanting another kingdom--another world. He said something to the effect of Narnia being just around the corner for anyone who could figure out its secret, and went on to say that the secret wasn't such a secret. It was something like that.

So in the words of Professor Digory Kirke,

"Yes, I do think you'll get into Narnia again, but don't try to go through the wardrobe. In fact, don't try to get there at all. It will probably happen when you're not looking for it. All the same, best to keep your eyes open."
my grandma ever told the story of the other world it was called 'bunian'..maybe it got the similar things in narnia but certainly no bad witch
if there is a real narnia, i don't think anyone would get there through a wardrobe. i can't remember who said it in the books, but someone said that you can never get to narnia through the same "object" twice