Do you beleive there is a Narnia?

Well I think that if we, as in us humans think that there are no other life forms in this universe than we are very ignorant. Because there might not be a land like Narnia exactly, but I believe in other worlds. And yes I do believe in Narnia....its more like hope actually.
I personally think it very conceited and self-satisfied of humans to think that God would never again need another sentient speices or to ever make another world or to ever try anything different than exactly what he did this one time right now, best of and only made of all worlds period.

The Bible is God's gift to man to tell him the good news and make covenant between God and his people here. I see no reason why other worlds not being mentioned in it has anything whatever to do with whether or not other worlds exist.

The manual for my DVD player does not mention refrigerators, autombiles, or submarines. Matter of factly, if you read the book, you'd get the impression that DVDs and TVs are the only appliances in existance. I think the Bible is like that. Man's owner's manual.
I think having a new would with interesting animals would be wonderfuL!!! :D
I have no doubt in my mind that there is such a place as Narnia.
I only wish I could live in it. And thinking about it gets me terribly sad.
Great hearts were meant to live in communion. At the end of time all that is beautiful and beloved will come together. I believe that with all my heart.

The most wonderful thing we'll see when that happens is not how strange and different the others are, but how much alike we all are, and how many of the things that are truly important to us are universally revered.
I don't know if Narnia exists as a physical reality, but I do believe in the concepts of Narnia existing. For me personally, this isn't about religion or beliefs, but rather about fantasy and the allowing of the internal child to come out. Narnia is like that place where my internal child plays, or as someone said, a dream state.

As a writer, I come rather close to that feeling of euphoria when I write characters out of my own fantasy, that is characters I created, not the borrowed manifestations from CS Lewis.
It would be fantastic <3 But.... You can never know if there really is a place called Narnia. And you wouldn't believe anyone who says "oh yeah, I was yesterday in Narnia".. Like Eustace, who didn't believe Edmund and Lucy. And so wouldn't I.

Other galaxies. There also could be Narnia. :p I'll build my own spacerocket and then I fly to Narnia. Bye. x) But no, I think I don't believe in Narnia. I'd like to.
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I noticed alot of people incorperate God and the Bible in there explanation of no other world. Interesting, but what if God created other creatures and seperated them from us.

There is so much of Space unkown to man(and WOMEN) and so much left to be discovered that maybe there is an exact duplicate of earth along with humans on it.

And alot of people say they wish Narnia was real but know its not, we will never know for sure but I beleive that we will never actually know.

We will never know if there is really somethign way bigger than ourselves unless we dare to dream and try.

Personally, I have no clue, but I can't wait to find out.;
No, i dont believe that there is another world like the one that Narnia is, although i think that it would be absolutely awsome if one was to exist.

I believe that there is a possibility of life existing elsewhere in the universe, but i dont believe in other worlds.
You've got a point, Ara, and that's what I've always thought. There's no reason God couldn't make not only other inhabitable places and other races in this universe (which Lewis dealt with in his Interplanetary Trilogy), but also other universes entirely, that didn't belong to this universe and couldn't be reached by things like spacecraft. Hey, infinite is infinite, right? And if God's creative and loving enough to make one universe, there's no reason He couldn't make as many as He liked! Narnia would be such a universe, as would all the worlds at the bottom of all the pools in the Wood between the Worlds.
I know that God has the full capability to create other universes. I think in one of the Psalms that it mentions something about God knowing all galaxies, or something like that. I remember reading it, or maybe it was that he sees what happens in all galaxies, or wait. I think it was that he is a God of wonders beyond our galaxy. I think that is it. I will look for it.

But about life on other planets, I dunno. I don't believe in "aliens", like the ones everyone describes or beings that look mutilated(sp.??) or horrible, but I am not imniscient(all-knowing). God could have created other worlds, other beings(such as Fauns, Dryads, dwarf's, and such---maybe that is why people started believing in them--), but why would he send His son to another world to die again? That would probably be my only problem and that is that Jesus would have to go and die on another planet.

But who knows. When I get to heaven, I will ask or might possible not need to as in "Aslan's country" all worlds are there, but in a more grand of way.
Read Lewis' Interplanetary Trilogy for some thoughts on these questions. There's no reason Christ would have to die on other planets for other races, unless they'd sinned as we have. Remember the parable of the Lost Sheep - the shepherd leaves the 99 who haven't strayed and seeks out the one who was lost. Maybe we're the "lost sheep" of races, and God had to come for us specially in a way He didn't for the others.
Most likely if we sinned the might have too. Also, um, off topic, does anyone know whofirst created fauns??? Like were they "discovered" in old text etc.

Who knows, I sure hope there is something better than our race out there and I hope we nevere find it because knowing some humans, we might destroy it. :(
Well hi again,

Well I'm studying the solar system in science and I proposed the idea of a diffrent world. Lets say my teacher had some trouble answering my question. She said yah, sure it is possible( bascially she couldn't talk much because I go to a cathlic school and they aren't exactly supposed to contradict God!) I sure hope soooo
We already have proof that there are other worlds other than the one mentioned in the Bible.

Shocked? I live in one. We still call it "The New World" in history class. There were people here too, whose history and names were never mentioned in The Bible. Matter of fact there were arguements among the explorers and church leaders over whether Native Americans were actually people at all since they were not mentioned in the Old or New Testaments.

Now if there is an entire world on Earth that is not mentioned in the Bible, we may also assume that there are worlds on other planets that God did not discuss with ancient Israel.

The Bible is not a science textbook, nor is it a geography textbook. If so it would have at least listed all the countries of the known world. It would have at least told people why you can't turn lead into gold. One can never use The Bible as authority that things do not exist. Raccoons, Jaguars, Dall Sheep and yes NAVAJOS all exist. Narnia, or some place like it, not only might exist, but it most likely should.
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Yes I do

I was sent here by Aslan to make people believe. Im not human.

I tell always tell my firends that i will take them some day
there sick of me talking about narnia
I also don't believe that there is any other dimensions or paralell universes such as Narnia. However like some of you have already said, there's no reason why God wouldn't choose to make the world this way. He is very creative, after all. :) So if I get to Heaven and God's like, "Hey, guess what? There really WERE dozens of other universes just like yours!" I will so totally not be suprised.
Why not?......I mean, there are so many misteries in life and life is full of miracles, sometimes I get the feeling that the Quote "Everything is possible" is very very present in every moment of life.... thas what I think.....if you believe , like peter pan or polar express hehe!!
ya i do believe there is a narnia! and its called heaven. If Disney and Walden pictures can create a narnia we would only dream of in exsistance then how much more can God the creator of the univers make a world better and greater then men can (Disnay and Walden)?