Do you beleive there is a Narnia?

Yes, that is me in the pic, and thanks for the compliment :). I love action flicks too, though I have to say I prefer it with subtitles (even if dubbing often provides unintentional comedy gold).
slideyfoot said:
Yes, that is me in the pic, and thanks for the compliment :). I love action flicks too, though I have to say I prefer it with subtitles (even if dubbing often provides unintentional comedy gold).
Cool, my grandad can kick like that(he is a kung fu teacher), anyways, If anyone finds a fantasy/magical land let me know!! It could be on anothr planet though.
Lewis did say not to try to MOVE INTO cloud castles

Do you remember the line in LWW (the book) that "bad magic food" makes you
lose your taste for "good ordinary food?" Mr. Lewis didn't write his Chronicles
for the purpose of making us yearn so much for Narnia that we would despise
the world we have. Rather, the yearning for Narnia should teach us to yearn
for Heaven itself; and, helped by the inspiration of such things as the
Chronicles, we can get ready for Heaven just as well here as we could if we
were actually in Narnia. What matters is to know Aslan by the name He uses
here, which is the name of Yeshua the Messiah, a.k.a. Jesus Christ.

The 2004 "King Arthur" movie, though it had some flaws, did show how the
noble elements we love in the Narnian tales can be found in actual history.
So great a historian as Mr. Lewis would never have wanted us to be SO
fixated on Narnia that we would not appreciate real history. Do you recall
one of his essays that said a little boy could enjoy ordinary meat more by
imagining it was wild game he had hunted? (I do _not_ apologize to any
fanatical vegetarians out there.) By all means, let us use fantasy and be
refreshed by it; but let's not live FOR it.

Joseph Ravitts
Columbia, MD
i have found another world. it's a really cool place! i know i was there cuz i defently wan't here :) i hardly could tell what was going on around me! it was really wierd. i was there, but i sorta wasn't. i accualy got sick of it. i wanted to come back to real life. in the end i prayed that God would make me eather there or here. the next morning i was here (earth/The u.s. is where i live). i've tryed to go back there sense it was such a perfect place but i haven't been able to. oh, and I sorta believe in narnia. i don't really know what to believe. does anyone have any proof narnia is real, and does anyone have anyproof it's not?
another place for us to go to wuld be nice but unfortunately it is "logically" impossible :) but seriously i think then any other world we want to visit is simply in our heads. i think lewis visited narnia nd that he was so amazed by it that he wanted everyone else to go wiv him.
Hi. I hope it's okay if I join in. Most of the good topics have been brought up, I think, so I'll just give my person opinion.

When I was younger, I did try to go to Narnia through closets. I believed in Narnia, or maybe I just wanted badly enough to believe that I thought I did. And when I was 12, I used Narnia as an escape, an avoidance of reality. It's a beautiful place, it's a dangerous place; it has good and evil. Just like our world. Aside from the different creatures, and the fact that it seems to be set in a medieval-type time period, it seems to be very similar to Earth. So...I'd love it if there was a Narnia, but at the same time I'm sort of glad that I haven't been able to find the way in. It would be trading one set of difficulties for another. And yet, it would be so worth it! You see? I can't decide!

It would be cool to visit Narnia, or another world. On the other hand, if that were to actually happen, that world would be the reality, and I'd find myself wanting to escape that!

Well, sorry to be a bit of a pessimist. I love Narnia, and even though I don't believe it really exists...I wouldn't hesitate to jump into the closet if I saw tree branches whilst getting my coat to go to work! :D
Narnia Where?

I think Narnia exists, really in our minds and imaginations. We always have another world and should always have a dream.
To Chakal:
Actually there is proof against other worlds that are inhabited, because the Bible says Jesus died once for the sins of all creation. If there were other "peoples" did Jesus die here for them or did they sin at the exact same time or I don't think there are other inhabited worlds.
God created the universe for us to enjoy and study.

Great Job Copperfox!
i think Narnia is a feeling, some people understand it and some people don't.
Narnia is also a place that shows us the great courage everyone has deep insite him/her. but you have to give it a chance.

Not only do I believe there is a Narnia, but the people that live there read fantasy stories about us. Wouldn't it be funny if four talking animals showed up in North Carolina looking to fulfill some ancient prophesy? Don't laugh, stranger things have happened.... ;)