Do you remember?

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and yh the only people who disagree are the ppl who dont even like will nd skandar so cn u jus [mod edit] get lost! hav u seen the title of the thread??????? its called do u remember.........its for people who actually want to remember the gd times in this place not the boring ppl who jus talk bout nuffink cos they hav no lyf atleast in our fan threads we were actually tlkin bout sumfink nd sumfink real!
maybe i'l get banned 4 dis? but who cares? unless your not friends on this forum u dnt even get noticed! no-one bloody tlks to you! nd u wonda y new ppl dnt even com bac its cos they dnt get excepted!
wen i first joined the skandarnite thread i was welcomed sooo nicely i fort this whole forum was loadz of fun but now ive realised how mean loadz of ppl are here! i mean i gave across 1 point and every1 disagrees wit it, do u no how dat feels? i ddnt fink so

oh wow. congratz on almost typing a full-bad cuss word. and congratz on not being able to type write. I know--thats mean. shoot me.
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The older people remembered me because:
-I yelled at people for grammar all the time.
-I changed my icon every day to something new.
and I dunno. I talked a lot in the skandarnites.
But honestly, I miss my old friends here, I miss the seven other queens and I miss when people used to read my stories because I was well known and stuff. I mean, I'm lucky if two people read a thread I post now. That's mostly what I miss. I guess attention and you could call it a reputation. But I can deal with it, I mean, you just have to build new friendships and relationships with people.

It's the internet. It's fickle. -_-
Okay. I'm gonna be myself for a second.

I cnt rd txt lyke DIS!

Please type out what you want to say. Thanks.
I do somewhat miss the old days. But, if any of you remember, I left these forums for a couple months. I left because people were hating on me because I went from loving Skandar to hating him. And so this forum became another place where I was hated by people that used to be my friends because all of my friends were major Skandarnites. But when I came back everything had died down and everybody had forgotten.
I also got into major RPing when I came back. The closest thing I have to "good old days" would be when I was included in all of the RPs I joined and I had fun RPing. This forum has really always been the same for me though. There honestly were no "good old days" for me. Almost everyday here is a good day.
and yh the only people who disagree are the ppl who dont even like will nd skandar so cn u jus etc

First of all, you must learn to RESPECT other people here, understand? You must not use F words even if you haven't typed it completely, we all know what you are saying and it has been reported.
No, There is nothing against the cast, they made the movie, but fi you join a site and you are seeing nothing then will skandar is so hot, I love his eyes, I love his voice, i wish I could meet him on EVERY FORUM........then it is annoying and if you don't like it, then it is your problem.
People are here still accepted. people come and go and have you ever wondered people are not returning because they continued with their lifes? people get over the cast. That is normal.
Ok another thing is there was this one member named DeplorableWord and she was one of my first friends here and she left a few days after I joined. But what I enjoyed the most was last summer. I had been a member for about one month and everything was just so............ fun. (It`s still fun now of course!)

*Sits in a corner and rembers favorite times here.*
Ok another thing is there was this one member named DeplorableWord and she was one of my first friends here and she left a few days after I joined. But what I enjoyed the most was last summer. I had been a member for about one month and everything was just so............ fun. (It`s still fun now of course!)

*Sits in a corner and rembers favorite times here.*

I have to say that was basically the most awesome time for me too. I loved last summer. It was just a cool place to unwind or be insane. =]] I took part in both of those. :p But I still think it's fun, I just don't have a niche anymore.
Ok another thing is there was this one member named DeplorableWord and she was one of my first friends here and she left a few days after I joined. But what I enjoyed the most was last summer. I had been a member for about one month and everything was just so............ fun. (It`s still fun now of course!)

*Sits in a corner and rembers favorite times here.*

Yeah! Last summer was the funnest times I had here! I mean...I met...*becomes really depressed* nvm -_-
Guys, cuss words are not allowed under any circumstances, whether whole or partial. Be careful or be prepared for a locked thread or a temp ban as a result. It is not cool, intelligent, or respectful to use that kind of language here. Remember, being a member of TDL is a privilege, not a right. So have a care...
A lot has changed even since I have come, which was only about six months ago, especially my typical posting places, I used to not be much of a Duffer at all, now look at me. I can not say that I experiened the "real" old days but I do kind of miss the way it was when I joined.
First of all, you must learn to RESPECT other people here, understand? You must not use F words even if you haven't typed it completely, we all know what you are saying and it has been reported.
No, There is nothing against the cast, they made the movie, but fi you join a site and you are seeing nothing then will skandar is so hot, I love his eyes, I love his voice, i wish I could meet him on EVERY FORUM........then it is annoying and if you don't like it, then it is your problem.
People are here still accepted. people come and go and have you ever wondered people are not returning because they continued with their lifes? people get over the cast. That is normal.

ok, so i'll type properly. i think you are ****ing rude as ****! OMG:eek: i used the 'f' word ooooo better shoot me for it! i do have ****ing respect for people you b-----d you dont ****ing say i dont respect people when you dont even bloody know me for **** sake you ****ing hippocrit you tel me to respect people when you dont do it your ****ing self!
and i ****ing knew what i was putting and i knew everyone else would see it its the only way you getanything across on the ****ing forum ****.
so yeah i'm going to get banned now but maybe it'l make you think about respecting people more
and as for the 'f' word..get used to it..
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