Do you remember?

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I could not get used to Charlie's using the F-word, so I banned her for three days. If she comes back with a civil tongue in her head, she can stay. If she goes on in this vein again, she will be permanently banned. Sorry, Charlie.
A lot of people have left but also cool people have joined. I am glad we have Ben here and Skyla and of course my fellow friends :D I remember in the beginning I never posted anywhere else than in the lamppost but now I post here a lot too.
Many people have issues in their lifes like school, parents and friends. They moved on. I miss some but I am happy with the people who joined

Edit: I respect your decision Inky. You had no other choice
A lot of people have left but also cool people have joined. I am glad we have Ben here and Skyla and of course my fellow friends :D I remember in the beginning I never posted anywhere else than in the lamppost but now I post here a lot too.
Many people have issues in their lifes like school, parents and friends. They m oved on. I miss some but I am happy with the people who joined

No wonder shes Word Removed angry! no one is taking her side! she was just tryin to get her point across n everyone started Word Removed dissin her!
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Okay.. can I ask something of all of you?
Can we please lay off the subject?
We can talk about how it was before and I'm REALLY happy that almost everyone's managed to progress in that direction, but we need to be a bit more peaceful.
It's not being mean, it's being agitated by others that gets us arguing. So if everyone were a bit more complacent and considerate, that would be awesome.

Half of us miss the old days.
And half of us hate the old days.
But it isn't something worth arguing over.
Just because these aren't the good old days doesn't mean they can't be the good new days. I'm not big on censorship myself, but this is a riot and riots merit the water cannon. So break out your umbrellas...

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