Of course, FF still had the remote in her hand so she pressed the pause button freezing time, allowing her to turn the rock around so it would go the other way, then she skipped off and found another cloud to sit on and pressed the play button.
Except Olorin didn't know that when she had been born cat's fairy godmothwer had cast a spell on her so that Cat was totally imune to any injuries gotten from
falling from high places. So she was OK. But she still wanted to get Olorin back for, um...laughing...
RF looked around, and very sneakily pressed the ban button in Olorin's sig. But nothing happened Which annoyed RF so much that she ripped it from its spot and gave it to HB...
And FF just rolled her eyes and snuck away, placing a copy of the button in the real one's place, then throwing the real button into a tree trunk, which then stood up and danced to a little night music.
And Hallows walked up to the tree. " May I have this dance " he asked. The tree and hallows then started to dance around the forest singing to Feraglicious