Dramatic Entrance II

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What GKoN didn't know was, of course, was that FF had played all the Mario games so she jumped on top of one and steered them all back toward GKoN.
Olorin, like I'd dress up as you? Riiiight! Even DE isn't that far-fetched:p

RF came running in then and glared at GKON. "Don't smile at other people. I don't like it!" She shouted in his ear.
What everyone didn't know was that FF had secretly used a inter-dimensional portal thingy to escape, so she's no longer in your dimension.
ooc: Hi Seany! :D

ic: The former blue horse walked up to RF & GKoN, "Hello," she said, smiling very sweetly.
but then, all of a sudden, she stopped being sweet, climbed a tree, and jumped on top of them, then got a terrible case of stagefright and ran away.
And FF just laughed at everybody on the TV screen, she was watching a reality TV show called: 'DE 2'. She found it quite entertaining.
RF was still glaring at GKON in a furious way, and then she turned her glare on Elindil...but decided better of that. And putting her arm over Elindil's shoulders she led her away to make plots on how to harass the Knight.
What Catherine didn't know was that FF did actually thank her, she just didn't hear it over her laughs, which were subsequent.
But since she didn't hear it, she got mad and sicked the two adorable dogs in her siggy on FF (the dogs are mine, btw)
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