Dramatic Entrance II

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RF then taisered Olorin because he was bad dog. While he was still in shock she put one of those electric collers(sp?) around his neck and continually shocked him with it, then she put one of those big things that keep your fingers away from your face under the coller so that he couldn't get the coller off....heehee:p
And grew into a great big beautiful walnut tree. Which RF promptly climbed and began ripping the branches off of:p
while Catherine filmed this a amazing transformation on a camera, at the same time eating ice-cream and drinking cream soda.
Hallows joined fantasy fan in laughing , but chocked and fell to the ground screaming " bananas , bananas " and got some sparkling water. " MMM , TASTY " :D
RF stared at Hallows for a moment, then she went and fetched her Chain Saw, starting it up she chopped down the big, fat, old (:D) walnut tree and then sliced him into logs, she promptly built a bon-fire and roasted marshmellows, over what was once--Olorin the Wise. She briefly wondered what he'd be reincarnated as:p
Meanwhile, FF collapsed to the ground from watching Olorin's face as he was cut down, and roasted, then began to sneeze repeatedly because she landed in a giant pile of clown horns.

RF enjoyed her s'mores, and despite the fact that Olorin was far far away she was just glad that he was, indeed, AWAY!:p
And RF stole them back, and then stormed off in the general direction of the space station where the LOGK and her clone live along with GKON's clone.
RF ran smack into Elindil. "Oh...how'd you turn back into a horse? I thought we lost those eggnog arrows when we lost the Knight...somewhere at the end of the old thread..."
"Um...well we might have done but somehow I'm a horse again!" :eek: She put her head on RF shoulder and started to cy. "I don't wana be a horse!!!" *SNIFF*
"Well....OH I KNOW! I've got a brilliant idea! We'll go on a quest to find an eggnog arrow to turn you BACK into a person. But to make this go faster, I think you oughta let me ride you."
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