Duffer Boot Camp!

*cough* I just noticed I'm an "old people" too! :mad:

Oh well, enjoy your youth while it lasts...when you're old and decrepit like Dern and I are, you will realize the joys of being young...:rolleyes::p
*cough* I just noticed I'm an "old people" too! :mad:

Oh well, enjoy your youth while it lasts...when you're old and decrepit like Dern and I are, you will realize the joys of being young...:rolleyes::p

Like not being able to drive, not being able to pay for stuff with a credit card, not being able to get a REAL job, still in high school-with all the freaks of nature...:rolleyes:
Not having to get a REAL job, not having to drive, not having to be responsible for a credit card, not having to be studying your brains out in college.... Mmmhmm....:D
:mad: :mad: :mad:

YOU...............!!!! ARG!

se·nile [see-nahyl, -nil, sen-ahyl]

1. showing a decline or deterioration of physical strength or mental functioning, esp. short-term memory and alertness, as a result of old age or disease.
2. of or belonging to old age or aged persons; gerontological; geriatric.
3. Physical Geography. (of topographical features) having been reduced by erosion to a featureless plain that stands everywhere at base level.
