Duffer Boot Camp!


that explains the jello....*nods slowly in understandingment*

jello? what jello? are you mistaking me for toj? amy! how could you? *sobs relentlessly*

Volume 1: A note to the reader
Volume II: Reflections on reality and the word Really
Volume Three: *
Volume IV: Unknown discoveries concerning reality**
Log Flume /\: Sudden death in the hereafter
* The name, address, and home phone number of this volume are unknown.
** It is unknown how unknown discoveries can be recorded in a volume. To discover this you must read the volume yourself. The only known copy in existence lies seventy-five feet underground in an Inca burial place. Indiana Jones is reported to be mounting an expedition to recover the dead flies preserved in this volume; possibly the volume will be recovered as well. For more information, call 1-800-JONESES or send a large sum of money to your freindly neighborhood problem solver (me). Also include with the money a valid passport to Mexico and a 7-day instruction couse in Spanish.

rofl! your insight in derny's head must be perfect, formatted text, footnotes and all... not bad, wizard, not bad.
*thing that goes bump in the night walks in*
ttgbitn: well, actually, we do not always leave blue jellow. we are quite frequently fond of also leaving bits of mince meat or tuna cassarol
*follows the ttgbitn to learn more of their wondrous way*

amazing. blue jello. i've never seen its like.

blue jello: *jumps at her*
dlf: friiiiiiiend!!!
mf: *passes out*
sorry. i meant to say jello, but was too lazy to go back and edit my post, relying on your apperceptive addition to correct my little mistake. suppose it didn't work :rolleyes:

But neither one is supposed to crunch. :eek:

oh, it did work. congratulations!

but the jell-o went munch, not crunch. much is definately possible, if your teeth are pillows.

my teeth are not pillows, that much i know. my teeth are killing machines. :D
but munch munch still sounds more like active chewing. with jello, you have more of a yyyssshhhhhhlrlrlreeeeeeeeeep because you suck it through your teeth, you see.

i conclude: although the used term ("munch") is a grammatically and apparently also semantically correct word to use in the given context, another word might have illustrated the *cactus walking through post* process of eating jello better, for example using a strong onomatopoetic expression such as "shlurp". thus we are both right.
Well, that kinda leaves me out in the cold, doesn't it? But what if the theoretical differences between teeth and pillows (bearing no practical relationship to real life) were hypothetically dissolved, resulting in a sudden influx of sleepy cases to the nearest... pond?
(of jello, of course.)
if you're cold, you should try hopping over a fireplace like rumpelstiltskin. poor fellow, eight of his ten toes fell off in one winter. one burnt to the bone.

hmpf. my post might have included a few unfamiliar terms, but at least it made sense. i suspect that your little pillow / teeth rant is just an unorganized pile of... arial. *shoves pile into pond of jello*

edit: if your post did make sense, you make me look really stupid and i will get very angry and i have a sword now. consider that when you compose the answer. :cool:
ha ha ha.

That reminds me of a joke:

Mozart spent most of his life composing. What was he doing after he died?
