Elements II

What do you think of THE ELEMENTS??

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Here we go!!!!Fire...water...earth...plasma...ice...snow...ELEMENTS!! This is the continued thread of the Elements....because we go too big. LOL Those new to the thread [that want to join] please PM me so I can talk with you about it As of right now we aren't accepting any new members because it would be hard to fit them into the plot. We might make a few exceptions.. Thanks so much..

Link to the old Thread: http://narniafans.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23436

Character details and their players:

Destiny Rose
Age 18
Princess from Fire Kingdom.
Power: Fire.
Horse: Fury
Bio: Destiny has been a Princess her whole life. She has been mastering her element since she was 4. She can read minds [like Edward Cullen but like Aro's...she doesn't have to have contact with the person.]. She is timid and kind...sometimes.

Terran, age 17, Power: Earth, Travels on a Rock.

Saphire Rose, 18, Princess. Power: Water. Horse: Flame
(Aslans Messanger)

Sienna Elizabeth, 17. Princess from West Kingdom. Power: Air.Horse: Boleyn

Name; Acela Ladden
Age; 20
Power; Light' she can do lightning, light anything up, can make it dark or light, can blind people from seeing light, etc.
Looks; Dark auborn hair, bright yellow eyes,
Personality; Acela is a hardworking, smart, and generous girl, she dosent like snobby people
Bio; She lives in a small cottage with her Father, in Woodland Kingdom, she is not rich, or a princess, she works around the house, she wishes to leave her kingdom, and be free, but now she is happy with what she has. She knows of her powers.

Kathryn (Kate) Herbert, 14. Magician’s apprentice. Power: Air. Horse: Demon

Christie, 18. Traveler. Power: Ice. Horse: Sunflash.

Arcturus Rain, 21. Farmer from North Lariat Kingdom. Power: Water. Horse: Rapidan

Leila, 20, Queen of The Southern Desert. Power: Plasma. Horse: Busphalis.
Looks:black hair, blue eyes, dark skin...wide sorta face...muscular....

Born as the only princess of the Southern Desert Kingdom, Leila Idris Dionae Kuthe was treated like a son from her father. She studied philosophy, the arts, literature, history, geaography, tactics, logistics, calculous, and warfare, as well as many other subjects, during her childhood. Though one never to be out of the social eye, Leila liked her privatecy. She never played with the other noble children, but rather tagged along with her brothers as they were either on the battlelines or scoping the pubs. At the age of fourteen,one of the Southern Desert's enemies Warlord Slarvin, kid napped her and took advantage of her. Her brothers, all three knights, saved her, but the damage was done. 8 monthes later she gave birth to a baby girl named Alida, but the baby had died due to it was a premature baby. Leila had invested alot of emotional hopes for her happiness in the child, and has never been the same since her death. A year later, after having been in 4 battles since the death of her child, her oldest brother Braeg fell in battle. A few weeks later her third eldest brother Anar died as well. Unable to cope with his brother's deaths Terron, Leila's second eldest brother, commited suicide. He had done it right in front of her saying "War isn't worth it. The pain and suffering is too much for one man to live through. I hoe, dear sister, that when your time comes it's not in 'heroic battle'." those words would haunt her for the rest of her life. Grief stricken, Leila's mother died of depression and soon after that Leila's cold and hard hearted father, eased up on his cold ways. She and her father had never been closer after their family's death, he even named her the heir to the throne, the first woman ever to be able to become King. But tragedy didn't stop. Having been sick for a long time the king finally passed away, and Leila then was named King of the Southern Desert. However, since northsmen didn't understand the power that came with the word "king" for a woman, she had to introduce herself as just "queen" likely to get married and take a back seat to her husband. But Leila never accepted any of the marriage proposals offered to her. Two years later, she was traveling back to her kingdom from a peace arrangement when in the dead of night, she heard a voice calling to her. Wandering off from her camp in the cool desert sands with only the bright blue moon to guide her, she followed the voice to a glowing pool in an oasis. The water was crystal blue and glowing. She and the voice talked all night, about love, honor and a task it had given her. She had never felt so at peace as she did with the voice, when the sun was about to rise, the vaoice gave her his name: Ellonai. Accepting the quest she went up north to find the others like her. She was said to come into a city that looked barren and nearly dead. There she would meet the person that changed her life forever, Princess Acela. At first Leila didn't think much of her, but through out their journey, Leila began to like her more and more, since no one else seemed to be thrilled with the queen. Sadly enough, though she made a friend, she also made enemies among her team mates. Destiny seemed to be the complete opposite of Leila. Immediatly they didn't like each other, and because of it others in the team didn't like Leila, especially Arcturus, Destiny's beau. But things weren't so bad with the team. Leila met Lord Aasen, another key figure in her life, who challenged her and accepted her. They would become a hard couple to see together forever, but somehow they seemed to work. Also, while looking for a cure for Destiny, Leila found a abandoned wolf pup. Leila immediatly fell in love with him. She invested nearly the same amount of love she had for Alida into her pet, whom she named Thorn, and loved him as if he were her son. As the journey continued, Leila and Destiny eventually dueled out their differances. When being mistaken to have hurt Aasen, Leila fought with Destiny. No one won, but Aasen was hurt because of it. Since then Leila and Destiny have yet to fight, they even worked together and Destiny help Leila when she was having post tramatic shock, but with total opposite views on life and with a little distrust of the other who knows what could happen.

Name: Alzira
Age: 20
Power: Ice
Bio: Alzira's an orphan who doesn't know her parents. Her favorite past times are practicing her powers, archery, and practicing with her sword.
Pic: [optional]

Other: -[/
(Radiant Susan)

Name: Rigel
Age :17
Status: prince and son of Mizar.
Looks: 6ft 1, dark brown hair and brown eyes.
Powers: Ice powers.
Bio: An Elemental and the son of Mizar. After his father was killed by Decay, he married Sienna and is now a king in training.

Name: Decay
Age: Unknown
Status: A wicked servant of the Enemy with dark powers.
Looks: 6ft 5. He looks fairly human, but his skin is all rotted and parts of his skull are shown. He has glowing red eyes.
Powers: The ability to cause everything around him to decay and die.
Bio: A faithful servant of the enemy who has constantly tried to kill the Elementals. He seeks revenge on Cinthia for killing his love, Serpaethia (a woman with scaly skin and poisoned fangs). As of now he is joining with Terran who just betrayed the Elementals.


Name: Jarod Cullen
Age: 16
Power: Earth
Bio: When Jarod was born, his parents were killed and he was left on his own. He was born with a special power to control nature. He could control the trees, rocks, plants, speak to the mountain gods and animals. He spent the rest of his life living in the forests by himself, the mountain gods raised him until he became 10. They then set him out on his own and hes been alone ever since, apart from all the animals. He s very sarcastic but calm and not easily feared.
(King of the Hallows)

[Those who are not on here PLEASE PM ME YOUR CHARRIE'S INFO!!
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Destiny untacked her horse she told Arcturus that she was going to go for a walk as they left the barn. The Son of Water nodded and lightly squeezed her hand before letting her go. OOC: Dang it G2G!

(ooc NO!!!!!:()

Leila mounted Beausephalis and trotted out of the barn. She passed Destiny. She hadn't talked to her since the fight. She glared as she passed her along with a huff of disdain.
Destiny has come through!!

ooc: Thanks Des (should I use your real name in public? although many old timers already know it). Anyway thanks for answering quick.

Ok everyone, please have your characters make it back to the re-built cottage where they will start honing in their skills. Aasen will coordinate and help the elementals to master their powers (I assume with knowledged learned as he studied scrolls and maps and stuff) After that, we should be able to continue on to the Island of Faerience to fight, just like we had it arranged before. Rigel and Sienna, as husband and wife should go with us and work as a team I guess.

Lets make this Elements II as good as the first one. I should be back around 6 PM (9PM Eastern USA). Elements II will rock socks as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(ooc NO!!!!!:()

Leila mounted Beausephalis and trotted out of the barn. She passed Destiny. She hadn't talked to her since the fight. She glared as she passed her along with a huff of disdain.
Destiny fealt the glare coming towards her. And she didn't like it. Her eyes burned the color of fire as she looked at Leila. Walking out onto the beach the Fire Princess sank her feet into the cool sand.Fire is what burns within you.She fealt the whisper inside of her. Fire is the thing that warms you. Destiny closed her eyes as the salty ocean air blew her brown orange-streaked hair behind her.

OOC: Thanks for the update Goose. AWW Sienna got married.YAY!!!!
Destiny fealt the glare coming towards her. And she didn't like it. Her eyes burned the color of fire as she looked at Leila. Walking out onto the beach the Fire Princess sank her feet into the cool sand.Fire is what burns within you.She fealt the whisper inside of her. Fire is the thing that warms you. Destiny closed her eyes as the salty ocean air blew her brown orange-streaked hair behind her.

OOC: Thanks for the update Goose. AWW Sienna got married.YAY!!!!

"Destiny?" Aasen called to her as he went toward the beach, "Is everything ok?"
Destiny couldn't help but sigh. "How?" She asked Aesen."Fire is pain." She told him as she looked out at the ocean.
Destiny couldn't help but sigh. "How?" She asked Aesen."Fire is pain." She told him as she looked out at the ocean.

"Yeah it is," he said as he remembered that night he was caught on fire, "but that's how it sort of is a blessing. Besides providing light and warmth, it brings pain. Pain that can be used to punish evil. When used right, fire is pretty much the perfect justice. You can heal from burns, but it always reminds you. Evil needs reminders not to prey on the innocent. Trust me, after a few sessions, you'll be great at weilding your flame...but I have a favor to ask of you..."
(ooc :()

"I'll be assigning partners to help practice and to umm...test the other. The closest person to your power is...well...Leila. I'll talk to her about it, but would you be willing to give it a chance? I promise there wont be a repeat of last time..."
{OOC: I have more time! My sister just left. Hopefuly my mom won't get home soon. :(}
Destiny tensed when she heard his words. She sighed again. "I...." could she really work together with Leila? "What has Miss.Perfect said about it?" She asked.
Rigel began unpacking his things. He lit a candle in the dark room so he could see better. He had to make room so Sienna could move in too. He sat on his bed and started thinking. He was the King now. He had to ensure the safety of his people, and the Elementals. Because of his powers, he needed to learn how to control them so he can use his ice like abilities to their full potential at the battle at Faerience. He

"I can do this. I will make my father proud. I just wish I could correct some of the mistakes from the past. Wasting time when I should have been training myself to be a servant of Ellonai, and being sometimes acting out of the rashness of my behavior instead of doing what was right. I shoulnt have killed the docter."

He then heard a familiar voice speak in his head. "Yes you should. You did what was right."

Rigel could see a dark misty shape forming near the wall. It resembled a shadow.

Rigel clenched his fists. He would not let the beings that were tormenting him, get the best of him. "No, I should have asked Ellonai what to do first. It was wrong to just kill...like that."

"Everyone has a little darkness in their soul. Even you."

"Shut Up!" Rigel yelled.

The shadow began to fade, but the voices spoke once more before vanishing. "You can't get rid of us. You'll never be rid of us."

Rigel couldnt take it any longer. He got up from the bed and left the room. Whatever these things were he would learn to keep them away.
{OOC: I have more time! My sister just left. Hopefuly my mom won't get home soon. :(}
Destiny tensed when she heard his words. She sighed again. "I...." could she really work together with Leila? "What has Miss.Perfect said about it?" She asked.

Aasen lightly chuckled, "I didn't really tell her yet...last nigh as we rode though I told her about what a blessing it was to have a team like this. She said "Whatever" but I told her about everyone's great qualities...and told her that you and she are actually alot alike. Not on the surface, but deeper. She didn't argue with that, so thats a good sign. If you cant trust her, trust me when I say she might be rude but she wont attack you or anything like that."

Aasen lightly chuckled, "I didn't really tell her yet...last nigh as we rode though I told her about what a blessing it was to have a team like this. She said "Whatever" but I told her about everyone's great qualities...and told her that you and she are actually alot alike. Not on the surface, but deeper. She didn't argue with that, so thats a good sign. If you cant trust her, trust me when I say she might be rude but she wont attack you or anything like that."

Destiny sighed. "Allright." She gave in. "When do we start?" She asked.

Rigel walked in the room Aasen and Destiny were in. "Well, its mostly done, but my servants still have to fix the hole in the roof. Where is everyone else?"
Rigel walked in the room Aasen and Destiny were in. "Well, its mostly done, but my servants still have to fix the hole in the roof. Where is everyone else?"


"Leila went hunting...Arcturus was in the barn when I saw him, and I guess the others are getting things set up. Once this thing is finished we'll start training. Bright and early by the way. Before dawn."
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