Elements II

What do you think of THE ELEMENTS??

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Terran saw Aasen walk towards the girl and went over to them. "Aasen? Who's this?" She asked as she reached them. She looked at the girl. "You look half starved." She flicked her wrist and made some edible roots fly out of the ground. Then she got a pitcher of water and brought it over. "Here you go. Eat and drink then you can tell us why you're here."

"I dont know," he said, "what's your name sweetheart?"

As this happened Leila rode back with a stag on Beusephalis' back. "Who's she?"

(ooc: Destiny was here!!!! AAAAAHHHH!! I missed her!! But it doesn't matter. If feels like old times doesn't it? This is going to be fun. I hope that we can keep it up. Aasen is doing a great job, and Acela got to talk to Flame some more. Cool! Keep it up guys, it's going great.

Right now I will only be on for a few minutes, but will be back later. I hope the "girl" gets online soon too!

I am buying a new car right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

Arcturus finished making sure his and Destiny's horse were taken care of at the stables next to the cottage and the got out to look for Aasen.
Arcturus went inside the cottage looking for both Aasen and Destiny. He was eager to get the training started and get on his way to this Island. It seemed that they will never be to get to so he wanted to get the training over soon.
After eating everything that she was given, she finnally spoke. "I'm Cinthia. I've been running for the past few days. The city of Risjh Glajin was attacked by monsters. I..." she couldnt speak much more, she was so tired.
Terran looked at Cinthia. "You're tired so how about you come to the cottage and rest. But first. Can you tell me anything about these monsters?" Terran started to guide her towards the cottage.
"Well, it was dark so I couldnt really see. There were pale creatures with bat like wings. There was a guy who's face was all rotten and bloody. And there was a woman with scales and a snake...she killed my mother!"
She lied down on the bed. "I killed the woman with my horse, but...I don't know whats happend to my dad. He..." she passed out in exhaustion.
She lied down on the bed. "I killed the woman with my horse, but...I don't know whats happend to my dad. He..." she passed out in exhaustion.
OOC: Who is sqjj???? Update me on new players!

Destiny spotted Arcturus she went over to him and slipped her hand in his. "Hi." She spoke softly.
Flame walked with Acela down to the beach. He stayed back from the water. Being a "fire boy" he didn't like water too much. Even though the girl he had guarded until just recently loved the cool wet stuff, it didn't set too well with him.
Flame shook his head."It's ok I just don't love it. Princess," here he was referring to princess Destiny. "she loves it though and I do not understand why." He then looked at her. "Do you like it?" he asked.
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