Español - Spanish

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Hablo espanol tambien. No hablo bien. Soy aprendiendo (wrong conjugation i tihnk?)
Para navidad celebramos el naciemento de Jesu Cristo!
Feliz Navidad.
wow...that's me trying to speak spanish. give me a couple more years and i'll have it down!
Hablo espanol tambien. No hablo bien. Soy aprendiendo (wrong conjugation i tihnk?)
Para navidad celebramos el naciemento de Jesu Cristo!
Feliz Navidad.
wow...that's me trying to speak spanish. give me a couple more years and i'll have it down!

Lo hablas bien.

Nosotros tambien celebramos el nacimiento the Jesucristo :)
Sip... :D jeje!! bueno, tu escritura esta bien!! habría que escuchar como lo pronuncias...

Yeah! :D hehe, well, your writting its fine!! We'd have to listen to how you pronounce it....
Sip... :D jeje!! bueno, tu escritura esta bien!! habría que escuchar como lo pronuncias...

Yeah! :D hehe, well, your writting its fine!! We'd have to listen to how you pronounce it....

Oye, cuando tu usas la palabra "Ahora," tu lo usas para indicar que se haga algo imediatamente or mas despues?
(When you use the word "ahora" do you use it to indicate an action that is to be done later or now?)

Por que tengo una amiga que es de ecuador y aparentemente cuando ellos usan la palabra ahora significa "despues." Yo que soy de P.R. cuando usamos "ahora" para nosotros significa "immediatamente"
(I have a friend who is from Ecuador and when she uses the word "ahora" she means "later" while people from where I'm from we use the word and mean it as "now")
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I don't get this new translating rule. How do they know we're translating correctly?

Anyway... I'm going to attempt to write something...

Me gusta Víspera de Navidad! Es divertida. Yo quiero cantar canciones de Navidad hoy.

I like Christmas Eve! It's fun. I want to sing Christmas songs today.

Bueno, la traduccion correcta para "Christmas Eve" es "Noche Buena," la cual para mi familia y creo que los latinos en los Estados Unidos es un dia especial. Es el dia en la cual nos reunimos con nuestras familias para comer y compartir :D
(Christmas Even in Spanish means "Noche Buena." Noche Buena is a big day for us Latinos. It's the day in which we all get together to eat and spend time with each other.)
Bueno, Ahora, es una palabra que se usa para algo que se hace en el momento, pero no exactamente inmediatamente.
Well, "ahora" Its a word that is used for something you do on that moment, but not exactly inmediatly...

Sobre la noche buena... si es muy bonito pasarla con la familia compartiendo...
About Christmas Eve... yeah its very nice to be with you family sharing...
There is NO translating rule!!! We, as admin and mods, are requesting that all foreign language threads be stopped until Specter can recruit mods from other International Narnia forums to come in and mod them.

Admin and mods here do not have the language skills to monitor these types of threads for what is being said. If we cannot do that, then if something bad happens, we are responsible. If we can get these threads to be monitored by someone with the language skills, then they will resume. If we cannot, then speaking a foreign language on this forum will be permanently discontinued. We are requesting, for now, that all posting be done in english until we can get those other mods here. Thank you.
Sorry friends, but until we have some international moderators for these foreign language threads, we will be closing them. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but all threads, including these, must be able to be monitored for content. Since we do not have any current mods able to do this, and until Specter is able to secure them, I am afraid speaking in a language other than english will be prohibited for now.:(

If you wish to talk about Spanish things, you may do so, but please do it in english until we can, I hope, find moderators who will take this task on from other international Narnia forums. Thanks.
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