New member
Saruman said:Gaby, bienvenida!! Si quieres hablarnos en portugués, por favor, háblenos en portugués.![]()
Eu não sou muito boa em espanhol!
Puedes compriender me?(Can you understand me?)
Saruman said:Gaby, bienvenida!! Si quieres hablarnos en portugués, por favor, háblenos en portugués.![]()
Translation: Yo no soy muy buena en el espanol. Am I right?Gaby_Pensivie said:Gracias!
Eu não sou muito boa em espanhol!
Puedes compriender me?(Can you understand me?)
We cannot guarantee the safety, privacy or dignity of people posting in languages other than English. For this reason, this thread and all other threads in the International Forum must either be in English or a meeting place for email, chatting, or instant messaging people off site.
Even though this policy was prompted by some recent incidents, it is not being done to punish many people for the actions of a few. We are working to ensure adequate protection and guidance for you from our forum leaders.
hola, me llamo Lila... soy de Filadelfia. XP
Que nacionalidad eres?Escrives muy bien el espa~nol!
Soy americano, pero mi padre sabe hablar un poco español. Me gustan español mucho, pero no puedo hablarlo bien.![]()
I hope that makes sense XD
sweet you guys can make fun of us lol awesome wait watch my spanish
hola sinerta/senor/senora uno dos tres quatro sinco sais seita ocho nowava deace pogos!!!!!!![]()
a girl from spain came and taught me 25 and stuff....i forgot how do u say 25...cause if i know the first part i know the rest lol
I dont like Spanish, and I hope I dont have to learn it. -_-