Español - Spanish

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Gaby_Pensivie said:
Eu não sou muito boa em espanhol!

Puedes compriender me?(Can you understand me?)
Translation: Yo no soy muy buena en el espanol. Am I right? :eek:
Creo que tengas razón, hermana Tiff! Recuerdo un anécdota k me contó mi bisabuelita, D.ª Claudia, de una amiga k tuvo durante su niñez, una amiga portuguesa. No habló español, sólo portugués, pero mi abuelita y sus hermanas k hablan en español siempre entendieron a aquella chiquita. Ay, las memorias... ;)
Important Announcement


We cannot guarantee the safety, privacy or dignity of people posting in languages other than English. For this reason, this thread and all other threads in the International Forum must either be in English or a meeting place for email, chatting, or instant messaging people off site.

Even though this policy was prompted by some recent incidents, it is not being done to punish many people for the actions of a few. We are working to ensure adequate protection and guidance for you from our forum leaders.

EveningStar said:

We cannot guarantee the safety, privacy or dignity of people posting in languages other than English. For this reason, this thread and all other threads in the International Forum must either be in English or a meeting place for email, chatting, or instant messaging people off site.

Even though this policy was prompted by some recent incidents, it is not being done to punish many people for the actions of a few. We are working to ensure adequate protection and guidance for you from our forum leaders.


What a pit!!!!!!!It was so interesting!!!!!!!!!!:'(

Oh, and QA48,That's right your translate!(I think! :p )
can somebody tell me what this song means

A la nanita nana nanita ella
Mi nina tiene sueno bendito sea,bendito sea

A la nanita nana nanita ella
Mi nina tiene sueno bendito sea,bendito sea

Fuentecita que carre clara y sonara
Ruisenor que en la selva
Cantando illora
Calla mientras la cuna se balansea
A la nanita nana nanita ella
A la nanita nana nanita ella
Nanita ella
Mi nina tiene sueno bendito
Sea, bendito sea
Fuentecita que carre clara y sonora
Ruisenor que en la selva
Cantando illora
Calla mientras la cuna se balonsea
A la nanita nana nanita ella

just pm me if you can find it out
Hey there ajchz!! Sad to say it, but we are no longer allowed to speak in any other language save English on the forum, for the sake of policy and to spare any possible trouble that may come as a result. :(
sweet you guys can make fun of us lol awesome wait watch my spanish
hola sinerta/senor/senora uno dos tres quatro sinco sais seita ocho nowava deace pogos!!!!!! :)

a girl from spain came and taught me 25 and stuff....i forgot how do u say 25...cause if i know the first part i know the rest lol
sweet you guys can make fun of us lol awesome wait watch my spanish
hola sinerta/senor/senora uno dos tres quatro sinco sais seita ocho nowava deace pogos!!!!!! :)

a girl from spain came and taught me 25 and stuff....i forgot how do u say 25...cause if i know the first part i know the rest lol

hehe Veinticinco
Hola todos, yo he estudiado español a un año y media. Me gustan español mucho y me gusta estudiarlo. Creo que español es bastane fácil pero préterito indefinido y préterito imperfecto son muy difícíles!

(hope this makes any sense at all :) )
Tengo examenes de espanol esta semana. :rolleyes: Comienzo estudiarlo en agosto. Espanol es facil, pero yo no recuerdo los verbos. :eek:
I dont like Spanish, and I hope I dont have to learn it. -_-

I didn't really like it, either, but it was the only language class I could take, and I have to have it to graduate. It's not that bad, but there are other languages I would rather learn.
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