Fairy Ball


New member
If you are apart of Fairy Girls please come and let yourself known.Fairies
are to known.THis ball was made for fairires to get together and know eachother.We will find out who is are enemy or our friends.The faries can come here to tell some of us who we are.Also there are gonna men here that
the men fall for.So beigginging fairies can come and show yourself who you are!

If you're not a fairy yet then look at my thread or PM me:
Fairy Girls
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oh yay i get to search for ANOTHER dress lol tons of fun!! atleast i can get some ideas for homecoming in like what 5 OR 6 YEARS!! lol
ooc:sorry for double posting....

ic:Greetings fairies!I am Illusen Queen of Nature's Creation:
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i want to wear a dress but finding one that looks cool is the hard part i almsot decided to just wear Lulu's dress from FFX lol but i found one that i liked now its time for accesories
*Walks in dressed like this*

My name is Darla, beware... I'm the queen of Darkar... *picks up fireball, throws it in the air and catches it* I might kill ya if you're in my way...
Lioness_Aslan said:
Steps in wearing this dress.I am Princess Naida;ruler of Aquaworld. Aquaria (SportyGirl7702) is my twin sister. Hello everybody! :D

Heyhey!! *picks up fireball* I can't see your dress...
Hey! I'm Princess Tatiana of AquaWorld...*picks up bucket of water in preperation to throw at Lilith b/c she nearly threw fire at my fellow Princess of AquaWorld*