Fairy Ball

did you paint them light purple? if so blech i hate light colors they make me sick

ic - *Kate had come back just in time to hear Illusen tell her not to decorate the place**she looked around*"Yuck . . . . sparkly purple"
Arya saw Kate fly in. She walked over to her. "Aren't you the ruler of the Forest Fairies?" she asked. She didn't know much about other fairy lands.
GeNtLe SuSaN said:
Arya saw Kate fly in. She walked over to her. "Aren't you the ruler of the Forest Fairies?" she asked. She didn't know much about other fairy lands.

ooc - i am a princess so i am a ruler i guess

ic - "I am the Princess, Illusen's sister."
Lady Larien said:
ooc - i am a princess so i am a ruler i guess

ic - "I am the Princess, Illusen's sister."

Arya nodded in understanding. "I see. I am Princess Arya, of the Fire Fairies." she said, a smile on her face. She wasa curious, for her father had told her in private that faries of other lands were not to be trusted, but hse had made a friend from teh Water Land already. He is wrong, and I shall prove it....she thought.
GeNtLe SuSaN said:
Arya nodded in understanding. "I see. I am Princess Arya, of the Fire Fairies." she said, a smile on her face. She wasa curious, for her father had told her in private that faries of other lands were not to be trusted, but hse had made a friend from teh Water Land already. He is wrong, and I shall prove it....she thought.
"It's nice to meet you, Princess Arya"
Lady Larien said:
"It's nice to meet you, Princess Arya"

"Yes, same on my part.":D She heard her father's yelling inside her head. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! WHEN YOU GET HOME YOUNG LADY..." he screamed. She winced. "Yes, I know, I'm going to be in deep, deep, deep, trouble. YOu've told me that a hundred times....but, what if I don't come back home? What if I accidentally run away?"

I g2g...thunderstorming out!! CYA!!
"I am sorry, I have to go." she apologized. SHe flew away, to the Fire Palace. Her father was sitting on his throne, looking at her, his eyes in the shape of a V. "WHat was all that nonsence about?" he asked her. "I just wantt omake friends. That's all. And I am willing to do anything, father. You can't....just coop me up here for...." ?HEr father cut her off. "No, I can, Arya. You threatening me by running away, it nearly killed me!!" he said. "ANd if I've tiold you once I've told you a thousand times, fairies from other lands are capable of destroyibng you." he said sternly. "I know that, but that doesn't mean they want to!" shesaid, her eyes welling up with tears(flames.lol.) "And I've already made two friends. And one is a water fairy!!" she flew up to her room, leaving her father's jaw to drop.
GeNtLe SuSaN said:
\YOU A FIRE FAIRY TOO!! sweeeeeeeeeeeet....lol. SLOW today......

I'm fine Bramble. Except for the fact taht I'm in deep doo doo with me daddy...:D

I am... i was the first one who PMed SweetieGirl... :D But be scared... I'm evil...
due...I'm not scared of you...lol. Good always wins over evil......even says so in Cinderella.....lol. JK!!! BOO back to YOU!!!!lol.. that rhymes!!
GeNtLe SuSaN said:
due...I'm not scared of you...lol. Good always wins over evil......even says so in Cinderella.....lol. JK!!! BOO back to YOU!!!!lol.. that rhymes!!

Not always!!!

Hey Sarah (forgot character's name)!! *juggles with fireballs... again...*
my character is wearing this: