"It would be Austrailia, where I should have moved when I had the chance..." he replied.
Miranda laughed. "Very true.. Although, I just can't see you living with the pygmies and the kangaroos..."
"It would be Austrailia, where I should have moved when I had the chance..." he replied.
Miranda laughed. "Very true.. Although, I just can't see you living with the pygmies and the kangaroos..."
"Naw it'd be in Sydney, the city is my place, not the ol' outback!"
"Ah... I see... So, why don't you move there? What's stopping you, besides the paycheck?"
"I don't really know, it's a lot more expensive over there, I don't have the money for that...I'll probably end up retiring there..."
"That's pretty intense. But, admirable at the same time. You plan on working here till you're 60 something? Or are you waiting for something else to open up?"
"I would really like to become an agent for the new singers and give them something to actually promote, ya know? but for now I'm here..."
"That would be really interesting. Well, this is like puragatory. The more time you spend here, the better you'll feel the rest of your life..."
"Sure, I guess. It isn't really ego boosting here...everyones at everyones neck...." he sighed.
"Yeah.. Well, being at Isabella's neck is the best part of my day."
"Oh nothing special really, just Beyonce" she said smiling. "Is that coffee?" she asked looking at the cup. "Somone's a coffeholic" she joked drinking her water.
"So you and Issabell don't get along? I never really talk to her...though I know some kid who works here likes her..." he rolled his eyes.
"She and I hate each other. And the only people that 'get along with her' arethe suck-ups."
"I'm sure..." he replied. "So what did you want to do with your life?"
"Yeah. Well I ate and nearlly choked on it. Never again am I going to eat a baguette in this office" she said. "You? Or is that it?"
"As soon as I get enough money, I'm opening up my own salon. Like Mario Triccochi, but, more vintage." She shrugged. "But, that'll be a while from now."
"You can't get by on just coffee plus the fact that thats your second cup today................." she got up and rummaged through her fridge. "Ah ha" she grabbed a subway sandwich."I never noticed how much food I have in there" she said closing the fridge. "My own little cribs mini fridge" she handed him the sandwich. "I'm not sure what its got inside but it must be tasty or else I wouldnt have bought it" she said smiling.