New member
"Wandering what?" she asked sitting down again and facing him, staring at him with her blue eyes.
"Well, we all have lives and want something. I'm sure you'll make it, you've got a good head on your shoulders....unlike sooooooooome people..." he rolled his eyes.
"Unlike MOST people, you mean," Miranda added.
"So, anyone else coming in for me to torture? Or is the excitement for the day over?"
She raised an eyebrow and moved closer to him. "It must be something or you wouldn't have said anything".
"Maybe it is..." then his cell vibrated. "Or maybe it's not. Hang on."
"Hello?" Rupert answered the phone. "Yes. Mmmmmmm. No., ok. mmmm. Yes. I understand. the sec...okay....okay then. We'll see you tomorrow." Rupert hung up. "Well, it's over for TODAY."
"Who was that? Another pop princess?" Miranda asked, studying her black painted nails.
"Just another appointment for tomorrow. Bright and early, and what do you know! It's...what's her face...oh right, Avril..."
ooc: sweeeet.....
ic: "Well, at least her hair is somewhat stylish..." Miranda murmured. "When are you leaving today?" she asked him.
ic: "I dunno, I stay late usually..." he said quietly. This proved he had absolutly NO life.
ooc: lol, me too...
ic: Miranda smiled. "Well, do you do anything that must be done?"
"Nope. Normally I just sit here and look around my stuido..."
"Do you want to go get coffee with me, or something?" she asked, trying not to blush. It worked, kind of.
"Uh..." he composed himself and kept his voice buissness-like. "Sure. When would we leave?"
He sighed..."Well, i was wondering if u had a date.." He said talking fast..."I wanted to ask u out.." he added
She smiled "No I don't have a date and if you're asking I would love to" she said kissing him gently on the cheek.
She glanced at her watch. "Twenty minutes enough time to wrap things up?"