Fashion Magazine rpg

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She continued drinking her coffee and set to inspecting her nails. The silver and black paint was chipping and her usually long nails were in need of a manicure or even just a good filing job.

He noticed her looking at her nails. "I'm sorry, I'm not very good company..." He mumbled. Which is why I've lived in an apartment by myself since I was 16... he added in his mind.
He noticed her looking at her nails. "I'm sorry, I'm not very good company..." He mumbled. Which is why I've lived in an apartment by myself since I was 16... he added in his mind.

She smiled. "It's alright. I get distracted pretty easily. I was just thinking that I need to redo them," she said, splaying the nails for his veiwing pleasure. (lol)
She smiled. "It's alright. I get distracted pretty easily. I was just thinking that I need to redo them," she said, splaying the nails for his veiwing pleasure. (lol)

"You know don't file down the sides- the nail tip needs the sides as support, otherwise it will weaken and nicks form..." he commented looking at her nails. "And there's a color at Safeway called Midnight Stars which is under 3 dollars and is black with a silver tint..."
"You know don't file down the sides- the nail tip needs the sides as support, otherwise it will weaken and nicks form..." he commented looking at her nails. "And there's a color at Safeway called Midnight Stars which is under 3 dollars and is black with a silver tint..."

Miranda bit her lip thoughtfully. "Memo to me- stop at Safeway....." she murmured.
Miranda returned his smile, then suddenly burst out "You know what I hate about working at the magazine? It's not as glamorous as they say it is. There are still people you can't stand and the clients are so much worse."

That made Rupert laugh. "It's only glamorous if you're on top. There will always be people you can't stand and clients that drive you insane, but there are still people that are likable. Like tomorrow, the secretary told me we're schedualing a christian girl, who's made a top hit on pop radio..." he smiled. "And from what I've seen, she's very nice..."
That made Rupert laugh. "It's only glamorous if you're on top. There will always be people you can't stand and clients that drive you insane, but there are still people that are likable. Like tomorrow, the secretary told me we're schedualing a christian girl, who's made a top hit on pop radio..." he smiled. "And from what I've seen, she's very nice..."

"Hmmm. Well, I guess. Once in a while, you get someone worth meeting, but most of the time, they're as spoiled as a 10 year old girl. Then they're just annoying."
"They don't get enough love from their fans? Besides, if they're going to be disrespectful to me and my skill, I find no reason to be respectful to them."

"We must give respect to earn it." Rupert replied. "The love they get from their fans is adoring love, but the love they need to see is love toward another human being no matter how rotten."
"I don't get cards, or give them. I have no one to do them for. It's been my motto since my family dropped me off at boarding school..." he sighed. "I'm a victim of hate..."

She couldn't help it, she smiled. "Dramatic, much? Everyone's a victim of hate in one way or another. You just have to grow up and get over it."
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