Fave bad guy in the CON


New member
What would you fave bad guy be in the CON, who had a great charectar in the books, and was great for a villain.
Mine is The white witch, she is great, she has always been one of my fave bad guyd in the books, i just like her shes cool, for a bad person, she has a very cool chllingniss about her- and by the way,i just felt like adding a picture of my fave bad charectar lol ;)


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My favorite bad guy? The witch, and Rabadash becasue he is so prideful and stupid becasue he will not allow himself to be wrong and he ends up as a donkey. What can be better then that?
Hooray for Rabadash!

But the worst is that stupid monkey Shift in TLB. I hate that thing.
amen, inkspot the monkey is something i CANNOT stand, ug it makes me so mad that he tricked all the nice animals and stuff, b/c im a animal lover and boy i egt mad when people are mean to them :(
Hmm... I have never really had a fav bad guy in CON. I think it would be fun to play Jadis in a skit or something. (Playing and evil part is fun) But other then that i don't have one.
The green lady all the way! Mainly b/c I can't remember any others off the top of my head. If she's the most prevolant in my mind then she's probably my favorite. That almost makes sense...right?
Nikabrik - he steals masonary (oh please stop me)! I liked him because he's an 'old' Narnian, but has the extreme badness.
Shift was just plain old creepy, and I also liked the dwarfs in LB- turn coat 'little beasts'
rosymole said:
Nikabrik - he steals masonary (oh please stop me)

It's a two way tie with me, Shift and Uncle Andrew, with Andrew probably winning by a hair.

He was the inbodyment of the 'Materialist Sorceror' to me. His disreguard for life in the name of 'science' always creeped me out.
Either Nikabrik or the dwarves in TLB... they weren't just bad guys because 'Well... erm... every book needs a bad guy, and this bloke's it! :D '
They had proper reasons behind going bad, and even had parts to their personality that you could sympathise with, or even like.
I like Rabadash for the same reason- he's not just evil, like the white witch. There's a lot that's pretty pathetic and ridiculous about him (hence his nickname.) Plus, I love the scene where the Narnians are trying to decide what to do with him, and someone's like 'traitors don't change' and Edmond says 'I know one who did'. It's just so poignant!
Hahaha! Shift is exactly like some of the people in our world. Changing the truth for their own benefit and losing the the same force that they try to obliterate. Shift bugged me, but he was a pretty good bad guy.though, in truth he wasn't much of a master mind.

Uncle Andrew was the same, he seeked to advance himself in powers he had no mastery over and he winds up crazier and more messed up then before. He blots out the vioce of Aslan with his own dillusional reasoning eactly like some modern scientists do with evolution they fail to see the force behind everything, God.
Favorite bad guys in CON are the dwarfs in LB. Even the Caloremens couldn't stand having them around. Think the cat in LB is cool also.
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mcmonkeyburger said:
Jadis as green lady. definitely.
Is The Green Lady in SC ever identified as Jadis. They use the same actress in the BBC movies and they are described of as the same kind but I never read they were the same person.