Fave bad guy in the CON

The Green Lady is not Jadis, but the BBC movies confuse it and make it look like they are. I'm not sure that the Green Lady is exactly the same kind of witch, but their ambitions are alike.
I was reading a book, i forget what it was but they were saying and talking about jadis and the books she is in they say she is in LWW and very dangerous, and they said she appeared as the greemn lady in a way in the SC and is still very dangerous
*almost cries* Shift! He's so horrible and hateful (my first time ever using that word here! yay!) and argh! He makes me so angry. He isn't smart, but he's terrible. Like the cat, who is just... horrible too. And when the dwarves started to shoot at the horses (i think it was) in LB I was in tears.
she-elfwarrior19 said:
I was reading a book, i forget what it was but they were saying and talking about jadis and the books she is in they say she is in LWW and very dangerous, and they said she appeared as the greemn lady in a way in the SC and is still very dangerous
Are you sure? This doesn't sound familiar to me, I've always thought she is like the Wihite Witch, but she wasn't the White Witch.
I will write what the thing said in the book.

" Jadis, the last queen of Charn which she herself destroyed. Jadis arrives in Narnia with Digory and Polly in the Magicians Nephew and has taken over the land as the white witch and the Lion the witch and the wardrobe. Completely evil, she is also very dangerous in the silver chair"
Jadis, the White Witch, is my favorite villain in CoN.

But Jadis is not the Green Lady in The Silver Chair. I will quote a couple of passages from the book that should end all doubts:

(In response to hearing that Prince Rilian is still alive, Glimfeather says): "'That almost makes it worse....It means she has some use for him, and some deep scheme against Narnia. Long, long ago, at the very beginning, a White Witch came out of the north and bound our land in snow and ice for a hundred years. And we think this may be one of the same crew.'"

And: "...now they all saw what it meant; how a wicked Witch (doubtless the same kind as that White Witch who had brought the Great Winter on Narnia long ago) had contrived the whole thing, first killing Rilian's mother and enchanting Rilian himself."

The Green Lady is much like to the White Witch, in that she practices sorcery and the like, but Lewis does not tell the reader that she is Jadis. Rather, he writes that she is of the same kind and of the same crew. The Green Lady is a baddy, but nothing like Jadis (and note she wore green and was known as Green, whereas Jadis was later in Narnia called White).
Cassie said:
And when the dwarves started to shoot at the horses (i think it was) in LB I was in tears.
Don't even talk to me about the dwarves shooting the horses, the little blighters. I was so upset by that ...

She-Elf, what book is this that equates Jadis and the Green lady?
inkspot said:
She-Elf, what book is this that equates Jadis and the Green lady?

As she no here and I am, I'm gonna be cheeky and answer that one..It's all in the silver Chair..various bits said by Puddleglum, and the owls too if memory serves correctly.
she-elfwarrior19 said:
I will write what the thing said in the book.

" Jadis, the last queen of Charn which she herself destroyed. Jadis arrives in Narnia with Digory and Polly in the Magicians Nephew and has taken over the land as the white witch and the Lion the witch and the wardrobe. Completely evil, she is also very dangerous in the silver chair"

This bit isn't in Silver Chair, though, this is from a book about Narnia, rather than one of the Narnia books, I wonder where this bit comes from?
No, i know its not FROM the Silver chair, but its in each of the Con books i own, like my boxset of the books, and at the front few pages there are descriptions about the charectars. Thats where i got this from.
Oh, I see. Huh. So someone at the publishing house believes Jadis and the lady in green to be the same witch. But I don't think so.
i somehow don't think Jadis and the Green Witch are the same person...Aslan ate Jadis and then Knickabrick was gonna bring her back in a freaky ritual...definitely weren't the same...
My fave villian???Jadis,of course! :D
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The reason The Green Lady is thought to be White Witch is also because in PC the old hag says you can always being her back. I feel if CS Lewis had a use for the Jadis being still around he would have brought her back in LB. If Lewis could bring back Merlin in That Hideous Strength he could have brought back Jadis if he wanted to. You never really have a Satan CON who is distroyed in the LB like in Revelation in the Bible. It would have been very scarry if at stable hill that the White Witch was called up. :eek:
Good point. We have a Christ figure in Aslan, but not a consistent Satan figure in CON -- evil wears a different face in each of the books, and you sense that none of those characters is Satan the way Aslan is Christ, but rather those evil characters have allowed Satan to work through them.

**TLB spoilers**
Look at Shift and Puzzle in TLB. Puzzle wasn't a bad sort at all, just led astray by a bad monkey, and even Shift in the end looks like a slave to his need for alcohol and good food, so the Calormenes boss him around -- so really, he doesn't represent Satan at all, just a selfish monkey who let Satan use him to do great harm.

It's true even in our world: demons can only get what they want to the extent that people cooperate with them, and they need not even be "bad" people.
No, I believe Lewis has a consistent Satan figure in his books, but this "Satan" really only appears in TLB. He is, of course, Tash, whose very presence made one smell death and decay (don't forget what happened to Shift). And don't forget what Aslan said concerning Tash at the end, and it was with Tash that many went to be. So I believe there is a "Satan" in CoN.