Fave bad guy in the CON

I dunno ... we never really hear of Tash except in HHB and TLB. Why was Aslan consistently the Christ character, but evil was sometimes WW, the Green Lady, the hag in PC, and so forth? And Tash himself as a real person never manifests until TLB...
yeah that monkey is annoying
I was just making sure, you never know, someone could actually like the ape thing beast thing.
I overall hate all monkey kinds, sorry i have many reasons lol:D
There's that monkey Koko than can do the sign language, that's a pretty good monkey. And when I was a kid -- in high school -- I worked at the zoo, and we had a nice gorilla, Hazel.
Don't quite see Tash as Satan being an advisory. At best Tash is just a demon. The Idea of Tashlan is definitely satanic. Idea from Hell.
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she-elfwarrior19 said:
yeah that monkey is annoying
I was just making sure, you never know, someone could actually like the ape thing beast thing.
I overall hate all monkey kinds, sorry i have many reasons lol:D

i like monkies and apes when their well behaved.... :D anyways...yep my fave villian has GOT to be....ehhhhh i think i said jadis earlier?still think she's my fave! :D although rabadash was so ridiculous he made me laugh....
Yeah Shift was so annoying!!!!!!! (He's the worst!) My favorite bad guy is proably in the books....Miraz because he did nothing really or the White witch because she was well written!
My fave bad guy maybe is...
The White witch... Yeah and Maugrim. I just love huskies! :D
But probably my most favorite is the Lady of the Green Kirtle cause she may be evil, but she's beautiful!... Even though she's a snake... :p
Yeah, I think Shift is annoying. But my fave bad guy is The Lady of the Green Kirtle and the White Witch. Both show the same features: beauty and evilness. Sometimes, evilness can be found in beauty too.