Favorite Quotes from LWW

I have lots of them :D
Peter: here boy.....here boy.....!
Mr. Beaver:I ain't gonna smell it if that's what you want."

Lucy: Told you he's real

Edmund: He is not king yet! ~ Edmund to mr. Beaver

Edmund: Easy, Horsey..
Phillip: My name is Philip.

Susan: we used to have fun together
Lucy: yeah, till you got boring!
i like:

Edmund: Well I believe you.
Lucy: You do?
Edmund: Of course. Didn’t I tell you about the football field in the bathroom cupboard?
Peter: Would you stop? You just have to make everything worse, don’t you?
Edmund: It was just a joke!
Peter: When are you gonna learn to grow up?
Edmund: Stop it! You think you’re dad but you’re NOT!

Susan: I'm just trying to be realistic!
Peter: No, you're trying to be smart, as usual!

Mr. Beaver: Come on humans! While we’re still young!
Peter: If he tells us to hurry one more time, I’m going to turn him into a big, fluffy hat!
Lucy: He is getting a little bossy.
Mr. Beaver: Come on! Hurry up!

Older Edmund: Are you all right, Philip?
Philip the horse: [Panting] I’m not as young as I used to be.
Older Susan: Come on, Ed.
Older Edmund: Just catching my breath.
Older Susan: Well, that’s all we’ll catch at this rate!
Older Lucy: What did he say again, Susan?
Older Susan: “You girls wait in the castle, I’ll get the stag myself.”

this isn't even half of the ones i like! lol
I have a lot of favourites...

Peter: "We can handle it"
Prof. Kirke: " Oh, I can see that."

Mrs. Beaver:(To Peter) "It's the world dear. Did you expect it to be small?
Susan: "Smaller."

Lucy: "The sheets feel scratchy." ( It's so cute the way she says it!!)

Edmund" Threre's an army out there. They're waiting for you to lead them."
Peter: I can't"
Edmund: "Aslan believed you could.(pauses) So do I."
Oreius: What are your orders?"

Susan:" Just because a man in a red suit gives you a sword, doesn't make you a hero!"

White Witch: "I can make you anything you like."
Edmund: "Could you make me taller?"
here are a few of my fav ones :D :

Fox:I'm sorry, your Majesty.
Jadis The White Witch: Don't waste my time with flattery
Fox: Not to be rude, ma'am, but I wasn't talking to you.
[looks at Edmund]

Mrs Beaver: You've been sneaking second helpings, haven't you?
Mr. Beaver: Well, you never know if your next meal's going to be your last. Especially with your cooking. (tee hee)

Sysan: Gastrovascular... Come on, Peter. Gastrovascular.
Peter Pevensie: Is it Latin?
Susan Pevensie: Yes.
Edmund Pevensie: Is it Latin for "worst game ever invented"?
[Susan shuts her dictionary]
Lucy Pevensie: We could play hide and seek?
Peter Pevensie: But we're already having so much fun
[looks at Susan] (Will *drools*) :p

Peter Pevensie[looking out towards Cair Paravel] Aslan, I'm not who you think I am.
Aslan: You're Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley. Beaver also mentioned that you planned on turning him into a hat.

Susan pevensie: Did that bird just "pssst" us ? lol

Peter Pevensie: He said he knows the faun.
Susan Pevensie: He's a beaver, he shouldn't be saying anything

Lucy pevensie:[holds out her hand] Pleased to meet you Mr. Tumnus, I'm Lucy Pevensie.
[Mr. Tumnus looks at her hand curiously]
Lucy Pevensie: Oh, you shake it.
Mr. Tumnus: Why?
Lucy Pevensie: I... I don't know.
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I may have posted these before, but I'll post 'em again:

Jadis: "You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan."
Aslan: "His offense was not against you."
Jadis: "Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?"
Aslan: "Do not cite the Deep Magic to me Witch. I was there when it was written."
Jadis: "Then you will remember well that, every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property."
Peter: "Try and take him then!"
Jadis: "Do you really think that mere force will deny me my right, little king? Aslan knows that unless I have blood as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water. That boy, will die, on the Stone Table! As is tradition. You dare not refuse me!"
Aslan: "Enough. I shall talk with you alone."
Aslan: "She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam's blood."
Jadis: "How will I know if your promise will be kept?" (Aslan roars and Jadis sits down quickly)

Aslan: "Shouldn't you both be in bed?"
Lucy: "We couldn't sleep."
Susan: "Please, Aslan, couldn't we come with you?"
Aslan: "I would be glad of the company for a little while. Thank you."
Aslan: "It is time. From here, I must go on alone."
Susan: "But Aslan.."
Aslan: "You have to trust me, for this must be done. Thank you Susan. Thank you Lucy, and farewell."

Jadis: "Behold. The Great Lion!"
Lucy: "Why doesn't he fight back?"
Jadis: "Bind him! Wait...let him first, be shaved......Bring him to me."
Jadis: (a couple of minutes later) "You know Aslan, I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you honestly think by all this that you could save the human traitor? You are giving your life and saving no one. Ha. so much for love. Tonight, the Deep Magic, will be appeased. But tomorrow, we will take Narnia; forever! In that knowledge, despair, and DIE!!! The Great Cat, is DEAD!!! General, prepare your troops for battle. However short it may be."

I'll post more later. My hands and brain are worn out. lol
Tumnus: after all hes not a tame lion
Lucy:No,but he is good

Proffeser Kirk:All the same best to keep your eyes open.

Susan:Hes a beaver he shouldent be saying anything!

Aslan:Shouldent you both be in bed?

Lucy:peter Peter wake up it's there it's really really there!
Peter:Whats there?
Lucy:Narnia its all in the wardrobe like I told you!

And I love when lucy meets mr.tumnus. :)
Edumund: Of course I believe you. Didn't I tell you about the time I found a football field in the Bathroom Cabinet?

You gotta love the Kid. And I mean Edmund not skandar :rolleyes:
(When the Pevensies first meet Mr. Beaver)
Susan: What are you doing?
Edmund: She's right. How do we know we can trust him?
Peter: He says he knows the faun.
Susan: He's a beaver. He shouldn't be saying anything!

(Peter and Susan's first entrance in Narnia)
Susan: But we can’t go hiking in the snow dressed like this.
Peter: No. But I’m sure the professor won’t mind us using these. Anyway, if you think about it logically, we're not even taking them out of the
Edmund: But that's a girl's coat!
Peter: I know.

(After Edmund smashes the window with the cricket ball)
Mrs. Macready (From down below): What on earth is goin' on up there?
Susan: The Macready!

(After Edmund's first venture into Narnia and he upsets Lucy)
Professor: You seem to have upset the delicate internal balance of my housekeeper.
Peter: We're very sorry sir. It won't happen again.
Susan: It's our sister, sir. Lucy.
Professor: The weeping girl.
Susan: Yes, sir. She’s upset.
Professor: Hence the weeping.
Peter: It's nothing. We can handle it!
Professor: Oh, I can see that.
Susan: She thinks she's found a magical land.
Susan: In the upstairs wardrobe.
Professor:What did you say?
Peter: Um, the wardrobe, upstairs. Lucy thinks she's found a forest inside.
Susan: She won't stop going on about it.
Professor: What was it like?
Susan: Like talking to a lunatic.

(While Peter, Susan, and Lucy are on the run from Jadis with the Beavers)
Mr. Beaver: Come on, humans! While we're still young.
Peter: If he tells us to hurry one more time, I’m gonna turn him into a big, fluffy hat.

(After Father Christmas gives Peter, Susan, and Lucy their Narnian Christmas gifts)
Lucy: (to Susan) Told you he was real.

(The Fox is caught by the Secret Police and brought to Jadis)
Fox: Forgive me, Your Majesty
White Witch: Oh, don't waste my time with flattery.
Fox: Not to seem rude, but I wasn't actually talking to you. (Inclines his head to Edmund)

(Peter is trying to tell Aslan that he doesn't think he can be High King)
Peter: No. That’s just it. Aslan, I’m not what you all think I am .
Aslan: Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley. Beaver also mentioned you planned on turning him into a hat....(line continues)

(The beginning of the battle)
Gryphon: They come, Your Highness, in numbers and weapons far greater then our own.
Oreius: Numbers do not win a battle
Peter: No. But I bet they help.

(During the battle, and Peter thinks the battle is beginning to be too overwhelming for Edmund)
Mr Beaver: Peter said get out of here!
Edmund: Peter's not king yet!

(The Coronation)
Aslan: To the glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant. To the great Western Wood, King Edmund the Just. To the radiant Southern Sun,
Queen Susan, the Gentle. And to the clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter, the
Magnificent. Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen. May your wisdom
grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens.
All: Long live King Peter! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Susan! Long live Queen
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Edmund: But this is a girl's coat!
Peter: I know.

Lucy: Oh, you shake it.
Tumnus: Uh...why?
Lucy: I- I don't know!

Mrs Beaver: Oh my...those aren't badgers!

There are lots more, I can't be bothered typing them...
My favourite:
Lucy: "you need it more than I do" for Mr. Tumnus.
I like this so much, I don't know why. :D
Susan: Impossible!
Peter: "Aslan, we need your help"
Mr. Beaver: " Aslan is on the move "
My favorite quotes are everything that General Otmin says .

" The minotaurs and I will go up the flanks. We'll keep the giants in reserve and send the dwarves in first. "

" The prisoner !! "

" Look to the sky !! "

God, I love that minotaur's SEXY voice. I also love what he says in the bloopers ....

" We'll put the castle here ... wine cellar here .. I thought we'd put the jacuzzi here . "

Hee hee !! :cool: :D

I also melt when I hear his battle roar .