Favorite Quotes from LWW

i love this scene! edmund's face at the end is so funny!

I may not have all the word's quite right though...

LUCY: I'm back! I'm back!
EDMUND: Shh! He's coming!
PETER: *comes to find them* I'm not sure you two have quite got the idea of this game.
LUCY: But, Haven't you all been wondering where i was?
EDMUND: That's the point! That was why he was seeking you!
SUSAN: *comes out of hiding* Does this mean i win?
PETER: I dont' think lucy wants to play anymore!
LUCY: But, i've been away for hours and hours!
yeh that scene after she first returns was funny, i giggled out loud when peter said "i don't quite think you've got the idea of the game" etc

I also thought the beavers were funny, thought Dawn French and Ray Winstone were superbly cast as their voices
Mr. Beaver: When Adam's Flesh and Adam's bone sits in Cair Paravel in throne, the evil time will be over and done.
Susan: You know that doesn't even rhyme!

Peter: It's our sister, Lucy.
Professor: The weeping girl?
Peter: Yes, our brother Edmund was making fun of her.
Professor: Hence the weeping.

Peter: [looking out towards Cair Paravel] Aslan, I'm not who you think I am.
Aslan: You're Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley. Beaver also mentioned that you want to turn him into a hat.

Aslan: To the glistening eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant. To the great western woods, King Edmund the Just. To the radiant southern sun, Queen Susan the Gentle. And to the clear northern skies, King Peter the Magnificent.

Edmund: [mocking Lucy] Didn't I tell you about the football field in the bathroom cupboard?

Susan: Peter, just because a man in a red coat gives you a sword doesn't make you a hero!

Mrs. Beaver: Couldn't have given me ten minutes warning?
Mr. Beaver: I would've given you a WEEK if I thought it'd help.

Peter: I think you've made a mistake. We're not heroes!

Fox: I'm sorry, your Majesty.
Jadis The White Witch: Don't waste my time with flattery
Fox: Not to be rude, but I wasn't talking to you.
[looks at Edmund]
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My favorite line from the movie was....

Edmund: “Perhaps…we’ve been incorrectly labeled.”

I don't know why I like it so much...it was just funny how he said it in the film!
Corin Thunder-Fist said:
I still can't figure out why everyone always laughs at the part when Susan shoots the dwarf.

Not know Queen Susan? You shall know hereafter ARGGHH!

LOL. i actually laughed at the part. i thought it was pretty funny. Susan came out of nowhere...and it was funny because the dwarf didn't see it coming.
Corin Thunder-Fist said:
I still can't figure out why everyone always laughs at the part when Susan shoots the dwarf.

Not know Queen Susan? You shall know hereafter ARGGHH!

I don't know about you, but I think he just dies funny (bad grammar I know). It's just comical to see that akward little dwarf be shot with an arrow.

Lucy: I'm sorry.... did I frighten you?
Mr.Tumnus: nu..nu...no, not at all, I just didn't want to startle you
(or something like that I don't quite remember)

(When Mr.Tumnus gives Lucy back her handkerchief)
Lucy: oh, keep it, you need it more than I do! (starts laughing than suddenly stops and looks a little suprised at herself)
there are so many great quotes.

I like: " I have no interest in prisoners. Kill them all." shows the undeniable evil of the witch, and her completely emotionless attitude. doesn't need all the shouting and overacting to be quite fearsome
Yeah thats a good one Georgeknarnia.
This one "wake up dollydaydreAam" after Peter hits Edmund with the cricket ball lol i thought that was funny. Hmm what other good quotes are there.........
"your no9t going to kill me" Ginnabrik says and the the Witch says "Not yet" heh he he he:)
Yeah, "It is done" really was the stopper.

I would say "Aslan is on the move" but it gets redundant in the book and the commercials and every single preview for LWW shows the Wolf say "Take them" (Dang, can't remember the Wolf's name...)
she-elfwarrior19 said:
Yeah thats a good one Georgeknarnia.
This one "wake up dollydaydreAam" after Peter hits Edmund with the cricket ball lol i thought that was funny. Hmm what other good quotes are there.........
"your no9t going to kill me" Ginnabrik says and the the Witch says "Not yet" heh he he he:)

LOL yeh! "wake up dolly day dream" made me laf out loud, as did his response to edmund's "but that's a girls coat!" ...." I know" LOL

btw, jus call me george lol, its a stupid screen name but i forget them otherwise lol :)
lamer said:
Oh, another line...

"Numbers do not win a battle."

"No... but I'll bet they help."

yeh I forgot about that, that's a good one...as is the line just before

"they come your highness! in numbers and with weapons far greater than our own..."
I was on the edge of my seat just waiting for that first glimpse of the witch's army (expecting so much and not dissappointed i might add :) ) and the commencement of the battle, was a great moment...
Stoppit, you're making me want to see the movie again :p

I thought they did the battle best they could for Disney, and being a PG rated at that.
lamer said:
Stoppit, you're making me want to see the movie again :p

I thought they did the battle best they could for Disney, and being a PG rated at that.

sorry, it's my desire to see it again shining through lol :)

yeh i totally agree they did it well for a PG etc, it was far more violent (for want of a better phrase) than i expected actually. It didn't need blood and decapitation that was not allowed for a PG in my opinion, it was amazing as it was :)