Favorite Quotes from LWW

Well I like the part where Peter is with Orieus[sorry spelling] and they are about to begin battle and the Gryphon says
Gryphon: 'they come in numbers and weapons far greater than our own.
Orieus: 'numbers do not win a battle'
Peter: '...no, but i bet they help'

I have other favorite quotes, they just arent coming to me at the moment XD
monkaypooh said:
forgot how it exactly goes but it's something like this...

-come on, horsey
-my name is philip

LOL. that was pretty funny.

Hehe yeah that was funny. i was like 'oh snap!'.

I also like the one where the professor is like
'if she's not mad, and shes not lying, then LOGICALLY we must assume shes telling the truth' *stares/teases susan when says logically*
that was funny nerrr
I like the movie quote:

"Been sneeking in those extra meals, haven't you Mr. Beaver?"
"Well you never know when you're going to get another meal around here-
especially with your cooking!
- Mr. and Mrs. Beaver

and I have many others....I have too many to list!
LOL. i also like the part when Peter was getting the coats from the wardrobe.

Edmund: but these are for girls
Peter: i know

LOL. yeah, i find that funny.

Peter: I suppose saying sorry, wouldn't quite cover it?
Lucy: No, but this would... *Delivers snowball attack*

But then Peter like, chucks one at her face...

Peter: And Edmunds posed to take another whicket!

I liked that part. ^_^

Lucy: We could play hide and seek!
Peter: But were already having SOOO much fun.
Susan: *death glare*

Tumnus: Are you familiar with any Narnian lullabies?
Lucy: Sorry, no.
Tumnus: Good, becasue this preobably won't sound anything like one.

Tons more but I'll leave them for later.
*Is obsessed with Will* said:
Peter: I suppose saying sorry, wouldn't quite cover it?
Lucy: No, but this would... *Delivers snowball attack*

But then Peter like, chucks one at her face...

Peter: And Edmunds posed to take another whicket!

I liked that part. ^_^

Lucy: We could play hide and seek!
Peter: But were already having SOOO much fun.
Susan: *death glare*

Tumnus: Are you familiar with any Narnian lullabies?
Lucy: Sorry, no.
Tumnus: Good, becasue this preobably won't sound anything like one.

Tons more but I'll leave them for later.

haha! those were great too.
my friend and i laughed pretty hard when Mr. Braver first meets the Pevensies.

Peter: Here boy, *makes beaver-esque noises*

Mr. Beaver: *funny look, comes closer*

Peter: *holds out hand*

Mr. Beaver: *indignant* Well I ain't gonna sniff it if that' what you want!

heehee, i loved the Beavers.
I loved when Aslan roared at the White Witch and growled:
"I was there when it was written."
That is just awesome. :)

One I found funny:
"It's a beaver. It shoudn't be saying anything!"
(lol) So Susan.

About Susan's logic...:
"I was just trying to be realistic!"

"You were just trying to be smart. As usual."


-Anna Kate
*Is obsessed with Will* said:
Peter: I suppose saying sorry, wouldn't quite cover it?
Lucy: No, but this would... *Delivers snowball attack*

But then Peter like, chucks one at her face...

Peter: And Edmunds posed to take another whicket!

I liked that part. ^_^

Lucy: We could play hide and seek!
Peter: But were already having SOOO much fun.
Susan: *death glare*

Tumnus: Are you familiar with any Narnian lullabies?
Lucy: Sorry, no.
Tumnus: Good, becasue this preobably won't sound anything like one.

Tons more but I'll leave them for later.

Hehe yeah I loved those, especially when Peter got the coats.

Edmund: But thats a girls coat!
Peter: ...I know.


YEh gawd this movie rocks....
I saw the movie again, and I got more quotes.

Beaver: Come on! Hurry up!
Peter: If he tells us to hurry up one more time, I'm going to turn him into a big fluffy hat.


Father Christmas: Long live Aslan
*lucy turns to susan*
Lucy: SEE told you he was real
stronger_WM said:
I saw the movie again, and I got more quotes.

Beaver: Come on! Hurry up!
Peter: If he tells us to hurry up one more time, I'm going to turn him into a big fluffy hat.


Father Christmas: Long live Aslan
*lucy turns to susan*
Lucy: SEE told you he was real

haha! that was great!

here's another one when Peter and Susan were confronted by the professor

the professor: what was it like?
Susan: it was like talking to a lunatic.
Haha yeah that was funny. I really liked the actor that did the profesor, plus his hair matched the uncles hair in MN. (magicians nephew).

Im trying to think of more funny quotes, but i cant! I know there were more but I'll think of them... I'm sure :)
Tilda Swinton gave an outstanding performance, and many of my favorite quotes are credited to her:

EDMUND: How did you do that?!
JADIS: I can make you anything you like.
EDMUND: Can you make me taller?

JADIS: Do you know why you're here, Faun?
TUMNUS: Because I believe in a free Narnia!
JADIS: You're here because he (points at Edmund with her wand) turned you in! For sweeties!

GINARRBRIK: You're not going to kill me?
JADIS pauses, turns and says: Not yet!

This one is a beautiful quote:

ASLAN: When a willing victim who has done no wrong dies in a traitor's stead, the Stone Table will crack, and death itself will turn backwards.
Mrs. Beaver to the fox: "Stop squirming, you're worse than Beaver on bath day"
Mr. Beaver, under his breath: "Worst day of the year"

Susan: "Do we need jam?"
Peter: "Only if the Witch serves toast"

Lucy (after receiving her dagger from Father Christmas): I THINK I could be brave enough

Susan: "I'm sorry I'm like that. We used to have fun didn't we?"
Lucy: "Hehe, yeah, before you got BORING"

And of course...

Mr Tumnus: "Lucy Pevensie, from the shining city of War Drobe, in the land of Spare oom, how would you like to join ME for TEA?" (I may have gotten a few of the words wrong...but he gave that line so well I just love it everytime).
Curumo said:
Tilda Swinton gave an outstanding performance, and many of my favorite quotes are credited to her:

EDMUND: How did you do that?!
JADIS: I can make you anything you like.
EDMUND: Can you make me taller?

JADIS: Do you know why you're here, Faun?
TUMNUS: Because I believe in a free Narnia!
JADIS: You're here because he (points at Edmund with her wand) turned you in! For sweeties!

GINARRBRIK: You're not going to kill me?
JADIS pauses, turns and says: Not yet!

This one is a beautiful quote:

ASLAN: When a willing victim who has done no wrong dies in a traitor's stead, the Stone Table will crack, and death itself will turn backwards.

I think its interesting/funny how all of your quotes are mostly beautiful or slightly serious, while everyone elses are funny :p
Corin Thunder-Fist said:
Mrs. Beaver to the fox: "Stop squirming, you're worse than Beaver on bath day"
Mr. Beaver, under his breath: "Worst day of the year"

Susan: "Do we need jam?"
Peter: "Only if the Witch serves toast"

Lucy (after receiving her dagger from Father Christmas): I THINK I could be brave enough

Susan: "I'm sorry I'm like that. We used to have fun didn't we?"
Lucy: "Hehe, yeah, before you got BORING"

And of course...

Mr Tumnus: "Lucy Pevensie, from the shining city of War Drobe, in the land of Spare oom, how would you like to join ME for TEA?" (I may have gotten a few of the words wrong...but he gave that line so well I just love it everytime).

Hehe yeah I like that Peter and Susan one a lot, at first I couldnt make out waht he was saying, but the 5th time i saw it (today) i finally got it ^_^

Yeah I think its. "Lucy Pevensie from the shining city of War Drobe, in the land of Spare Oom, how would it be, if you came and had TEA with ME?" im not sure if its 'if you'd come' or 'if you came' but yeah ^_^
There's more out there than mere funnies that should be enjoyed. :D

PETER: You wouldn't believe us if we told you.
PROF. KIRKE: Try me!