Favorite Quotes from LWW

Daishi said:
My favorite line is always going to be "Look to the skies!" as the Gryphons fly overhead.

gah! how could i forget that!? that part had to be one of the best parts in the movie; it seriously sent shivers down my spine. :)
My favorite line is always going to be "Look to the skies!" as the Gryphons fly overhead.

Oh yes, easily one of my favorites.

Probably my number one quote is: "ROOOOOOAAAAAAAAR" when Aslan comes back to the battle to kill the white witch.
Okay- so I watched the movie again for the third time (guilty as charged) but dude, I just realized that one of the quotes were wrong.

When scene where the fox refers to Edmund as "your majesty" the white witch acutally says " ______________ flattery" NOT... formality xD hahaha.

okay, i just felt like informing/correction your guys xD
Narnian_Blade said:
Oh yes, easily one of my favorites.

newworld_56 said:
gah! how could i forget that!? that part had to be one of the best parts in the movie; it seriously sent shivers down my spine. :)

Every time I listen to the soundtrack I quote it when the music starts to swell for the Gryphon moment. I'll be wandering aroudn Walmart and randomly shout "Look to the skies!"
I liked it when the witch tells the fawn in the presence of Edmund that Edmund had betrayed the fawn for "sweeties". That was the changing moment for Edmund :) .
TimmyofOz said:
I liked it when the witch tells the fawn in the presence of Edmund that Edmund had betrayed the fawn for "sweeties". That was the changing moment for Edmund :) .
I agree. That was a powerful scene which I think was an improvement on the book. I'd say, though, that it was one of many changing moments, along with when he saw the wolves set out to catch his siblings, and he saw the fox stand his ground in the teeth of death, and when he saw the stone Tumnus in the courtyard. But those other moments told Edmund something about the Witch, while the scene with Tumnus in the prison gave him an insight into himself.
Lucy: you shake it
Lucy: i dont know ...people do when they meet each other..

and he kinds swings it...:)..Love that part...[/QUOTE]

Oh, there are SO many!

Mrs. Beaver- (I can't remember it exactly)OOh, Company! And my fur! You could have given me some time...
Mr. Beaver- Believe me, I'da given you a week if I thought it would have helped!
I adore how they go at each other and then at the end they start holding hands and smiling at each other. It's adorable.

The fox one is great, too. He's one of my favorite characters.
Besides the Edmund quotes I like:

When Peter, Lucy, Susan and the Beavers are going to hide:

Peter: "What are you doing?"

Mrs. Beaver: *Packing food* "You will thank me later, When Mr Beaver is hungry he tends to get pretty cranky."

Mr Beaver: "I'm cranky now."
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i like that one aswell! i also like:

Orieus: "Numbers dont win a battle"
Peter: "No, but i bet they help!"

Peter: "Here" (hands Edmund a coat)
Edmund: "But this is a girls coat!"
Peter: "I know"

Fox: "Im sorry your majesty"
W Witch: "Shut up with the flattery"
Fox: "Im sorry ma'am, not to offend you but i wasnt speaking to you" (looks at Edmund)

Edmund: "Easy horesy"
Horse: "My name is Philip!"

Susan: "impossible"
Lucy: "dont wory........ im sure it's all just part of your imagination"
Peter: "i suppose saying we're sorry wont make up for it"
Lucy: "no it wouldnt...............that might!" (throws snowball)
Edmund: "Ow! Stop it!"
Peter: "Why you little liar"
Edmund: "you didnt believe her either"
Peter: "apologize to lucy, say your sorry"
Edmund: "All right im sorry"
Lucy: "its all right.......... some little children just dont know when to stop pretending"
Edmund: *under his breathe* "Very funny"

And i love every line Skandar/Edmund says! ;)
heres some good ones

Susan: gastrovasscaler..peter gastrovasscaler
Peter: is it latin
edmund: is it latin for the worst game ever invented

LOL...heres another good one

Peter: oh, wel done ed
Edmund: you bolder it...

LOL...love those
I CAN'T BELIEVE SOMEONE HAS NOT LISTED THIS QUOTE YET... the entire theater just shuddered after this line which is definitely my favorite line in the film...

"Do not recite the deep magic to me witch... I was there when it was written"
i aint gonna smell it if thats what u want, is clearly the coolest, lol

the 1 on my signature is pretty awsome 2 :cool:

"Do not recite the deep magic to me witch... I was there when it was written"
is all my freind's favorite, and i like it 2, but im not as mature as anyone here, so i prefer humorus quotes :)
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My favorite line is

Lucy:its a beava
Peter:here boy,check check check,here boy, check check check!
Mr.Beaver:I ain't gonna smell it if that is what you want.
Edmund:Its a talking beava
Mr.Beaver:Lucy Pevensie
(Mr.Beaver gives Lucy the hankerchief)
Lucy:this is the hanky Mr Tomn...(Mr.Beaver finishes her sentence)
Mr.Beaver:Tomnus,He gave it to me before they took him!
Lucy:is he alright!
Mr.Beaver: Follow me.
(Peter and Lucy start following Mr.Beaver)
Susan:what are you doing?
Edmund:shes right,how do we know we can trust him.
Peter:He said he knows the Fawn.
Susan:Its a beava,it shouldn't be saying anything!

And that is my favorite! :)
I'm a new member outside USA... So, sorry if my English isn't good

i like the the scene of the adult pevensies
Lucy: Oong room, we have been here before
All: ouch,you hit my foot, etc (I don't have a good memory)

When Aslan risen:
Susan: Aslan... you..blablabla
Aslan: They don't know the true meaning of deep magic

Prof.Kirke & older Pevensies talking about Lucy
Susan: You mean, we must believe her?

when they arrived at Narnia
Susan: Impossible....
"He's a beaver! He shouldn't be saying anything!" is one of my favourite quotes, not just because of what it is, because i also liked the way that Susan said it as well.