Finally!!!a College Rp!!!

ooc: WE CAN START!!!

ic: Skyla walked around the unversity drinking her vanilla latte.
"I need to buy these freakin books for class..."
:eek: heh heh...riight but my post was supposed to be a it again on syllable at a time.

ic: Catie walked out of the Apple store with her new pink laptop and walked into Hollister's.

ooc - yeah i know...reminds me of a girl at school... after school she was saying shih tzu but like incorrectly and yeah the bad word part that she was creating within it she was like yelling... lol

ic - Leah was in her dorm room, drinking a mocha frap. and reading a book.
ooc - yeah i know...reminds me of a girl at school... after school she was saying shih tzu but like incorrectly and yeah the bad word part that she was creating within it she was like yelling... lol

ic - Leah was in her dorm room, drinking a mocha frap. and reading a book.

haha, sounds like something i would do...oh wait i did!

ic: Catie finally got back to her dorm and settled down. Well actually no she didn't. She ran down the hallways yelling, "HI I'M CATIE!!!"
ooc: I've been going to Private Schools from 6th grade - now, so I don't how school works that much

ic: "I'm Jadie. So......uhm where are you from?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know."


ooc: lol, it's ok

ic: Sara looked at her strangely, but then said, "I'm from a small town in Minnesota..." she looked down at the ground.

ooc: srz guys, g2g, ttyl!!