Finally!!!a College Rp!!!

Hayle Just finished unpacking and said, "Well, let check out my books", she put them on the desk..."Yes they're all here" then she looked by the window and saw many students arriving, she was pretty excited with tomorrow, her first day in college...

Mara looked out her window, she saw lots of people, she wasn't that excited, she had already graduated once, she was here to get her doctoret. She couldn't wait for her calculus class, she enjoyed math
Mara picked her keys up, she needed to make sure her car was locked, and she needed to get her computer. Mara walked out into the hall.
Mara picked her keys up, she needed to make sure her car was locked, and she needed to get her computer. Mara walked out into the hall.

Diane got outside her roon, locked up. And she said to Byron (her bf) by phone: "Yeah I need u to pick me up, can u come? ...Ok call me when ur here, bye, love" ...then she walked by the hall and waved hi! im new here, u?? she asked...
Mara walked out to her car and got her computer, when she got back to her room she started studying, even thought school hadn't started yet
Hayle recived Byron's call, and got onto the car. "Hi Byron!" She said with a kiss, then they went to dinner and the she got all the other things she needed for college..."So u got the inalambric thing for ur laptop??" Byron asked, and she said "Yeah but i still need those special pens....", Ok lets look for them.... When the arrived back, Byron said "Love u, i'll miss u... see u next me! as the car went away
Hojo walked outside, and pulled out a cigarette, and lighted it.

Hayle was going up with all the things in packages and looked at the guy with cigarrette, she didnt have her eyes in her way so then she step in a bad way a stair and she felt with everything...."Oh now i have to pick up all of this!!!" she said...
Hayle was going up with all the things in packages and looked at the guy with cigarrette, she didnt have her eyes in her way so then she step in a bad way a stair and she felt with everything...."Oh now i have to pick up all of this!!!" she said...

Mara saw Hayle drop all of her packages, "do you need some help," Mara called down