Finally!!!a College Rp!!!

"I know." she replied slowly. "That's why I got in!" she bragged. "See, I sent in an application for the college awhile ago, and they finally sent me their answer back!" she giggled giddily.

Sara sank to her knees, it had been her dream since she was a little girl to get into Harvard. She started at her blankly, "But... I'm one of the top Valadictorians! I graduated in top of my class, and I have had a 4.0 GPA my entire life! I havn't got 1 A-, not a single one!!!!!" she started crying, "How did you get into Harvard and I didn't?"
Skyla was studying up for her test in Physics and decided to call Lance.
"Please answer your phone..."Skyla said dialing Lance's number.
Sara sank to her knees, it had been her dream since she was a little girl to get into Harvard. She started at her blankly, "But... I'm one of the top Valadictorians! I graduated in top of my class, and I have had a 4.0 GPA my entire life! I havn't got 1 A-, not a single one!!!!!" she started crying, "How did you get into Harvard and I didn't?"

"I've gotten all 100's on all of my grades. Which you obviously haven't. But cheer up old bean, this college is a good one too!"
"um..Its me know about that kiss by the was just an accident..."she said to Lance over the phone.

"And it meant nothing and it should mean nothing...BYE!"Skyla said quickly hanging up and shut her phone. "Baka...baka...baka...."she said banging her head on her desk.