Futuristic Fantasy Royalty RPG


New member
Okay, this is about a Galactic Empire ( like the one in Star Wars) and the people that lead the planets. You can be royal, which is preferred, or a normal person. The normal RPG rules apply. Please post a little bit about your planet ( or the part of your planet you rule)

Tatiana Revovah, Princess of Swavaienna.
Tall with blond hair and blue eyes
Swavaienna is a large, Earth-like planet with an ancient and beautiful style. Almost like Naboo in Star Wars.
Name: Bradley Sumtasia (boy...lol :rolleyes: )
Age: 16
Bio: Is a commoner living in Swavaienna in the capital city. works as a delivery boy, but when he's older, he wants to be the king. (big dreamzz)

he's soooo cute!
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Odyny (pronounced On-dyan-ee)Polegyak
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Hight: 6ft 4in
Job: Commander aboard the ship Quethillem (looks very much like this )
The Quethillem is the main ship of the fleet for the planet Swavaienna


Bio: Odyany is the son of a noble family. He is rugged and strong and to those who do not know him may come off as abrupt, rude, and harsh. However those who do know him love him very much and know that he is kind, loving and would give his life for his planet and his people.

Name:Rojas Vordenir (pronounced Vor-de-neer)
Hight: 5ft 11in

Bio: Vordenir is an only child of the second prince of Boorkock. He left home at the age of 11 and joined whatever militant group that would take him. He hated his father who was a tyrannical ruler of his regencies on Boorkock and Vordenir’s mother wanted more for him and encouraged him to leave. Vordenir has not seen his family since. Now he is a worrier on the battle ship Quethillem.

Name: Gerforth Ebhone
Age: 45
Height: 5ft 6in

Bio: Gerforth is the head Captain of the Quethillem. He comes from a noble family and is very close friend with the royal family. His wife passed away three years after they had been wed and he never remarried.
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Name: Catriona (Cat) Goodlund
Age: 18
Gender: Girl

Looks: http://data-allocine.blogomaniac.fr/mdata/4/1/4/Z20010222140504250837414/img/032.jpg

Bio: Daughter of a famous pirate. She is fearless, and loves roaming the forests (when they make port) and loves the sea. She is takes after her father very much, but is hardly ever talked badly about. doesn't feel the need for protection, and thinks she can take care of herself...They aren't bad pirates, but they have stolen to make a living, so are counted so forth. Though her father never ransacks villages...She nor the men aboard the ship believe in killing, but are stereotyped as ruthless pirates...

Planet: (From) Swavaienna.
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Tatiana Revovah, Princess of Swavaienna stood up in front of the hundreds of other planetary systems, ready to speak her mind on the galaxy's issues.
" I believe..." There were echoes of translations. " That Swavaienna is underappreciated by the larger, more powerful, systems. " There were roars from the other systems. " And I ask, on part of my ill father the King, for support againts the rebels on out planet and the pirates circling out atmosphere."

ooc. I forgot to say there were rebellions in the outer reaches of Swavaienna......and Tatiana doesn't like pirates....:D
Bradley stood in the crown listening. He had his arms crossed and was looking around at all the other systems. When it was quiet he yelled out, "Hey, listen to the Princess why don't you!"
Tatiana Revovah, Princess of Swavaienna stood up in front of the hundreds of other planetary systems, ready to speak her mind on the galaxy's issues.
" I believe..." There were echoes of translations. " That Swavaienna is underappreciated by the larger, more powerful, systems. " There were roars from the other systems. " And I ask, on part of my ill father the King, for support againts the rebels on out planet and the pirates circling out atmosphere."

ooc. I forgot to say there were rebellions in the outer reaches of Swavaienna......and Tatiana doesn't like pirates....:D

oc: Gee..I feel loved...LOL :p

ic: Catriona Goodlund stood on the bow of her father's ship. He had died, from an attack, so she had come into command of the crew. She helped them with anything that needed to be done, rigging, and such, but enjoyed the peaceful roll of the waves rocking the magnificent ship.
"Captian! A ship is approaching 45 starboard!" Pilo, the watcher, exclaimed from teh crow's nest. Cat looked up, a cutlass at her hip, and waved, indicating she heard the message. Once more, we defend our lives for something we have not done...she though, jumping down, and heading quickly to her cabin to retrieve something...