Futuristic Fantasy Royalty RPG

Ondyny gazed down at the panel of flashing lights, radars, and monitors, in front of him. He didn't like the way this was looking.
"Captain!" he yelled across the controls. "this isn't looking good." the captain approached and frowned at what Ondyny was pointing at.
"The hits she took the last atack must have been worse than we thought."
"She won’t hold up much longer." Ondyny mumbled more to himself than anything. Even though he was commander and fourth in command of the ship, Odyany dabbled his feet in everything that concerned the ship. he was a brilliant man and every crew member knew if he could he would be there in a pinch in any situation.
"Commander Polegyak," the captain turned away from the panel, "we must take her in. prepare your division. we are going home." a smile crossed the old captains face as he said this. Home was something they had only seen once every few years. Now with the rising rebellion , Odyany thought that would change .
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Name: Nia
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Hight: 5ft 9in
Job: Spy

Bio: Nia is an orphan. Her parents died when she was five. She doesn't trust any one and she seems very mean, but after you get to know her she is nice. She doesn't let any one get close to her.
"Commander, K/Y is stabilized and division Apollo is in place, sir." a young man said from his control panel as Odyany walked by.
"Thank you for the report Privet Vordnier." The privet saluted and turned back to his duties. Odyany finished his rounds to the different station of his division then took his seat. He slipped on his head set and turned it on. “Division Apollo ready for landing at your command.” He waited for a moment as the other divisions sighted their status. After five minutes or less a deep voice came through,
“All divisions,” there was a pause and the voice suddenly became informal, “let’s taker her in.”
ooc. Lol, I love how everybody says I'm so beautiful......lol:D..oh and its DoG..little o...LOL!:p

" I say we set a new ban on pirates. They have too long hurt our economy!" She yelled. There were roars from the others.
ooc. I like this Bradley guy....LOL

ic. Tatiana smiled and stepped down. She took a seat by her mother, Queen Salaraina. " Well, that was a rousing speech." whispered Salaraina.
Tatiana rolled her eyes and waited from others to debate her.
ooc. lol

ic. The debate ended without a vote. She walked into the hall, wondering who the loud supporter was. She saw him and walked up with her delegation.
" Hello, young Swavaiennen, you publicly support me." She nodded to him.
Odyany took a deep breath. it would only be a few minutes now. Then something shook the whole ship the lights blacked out completely for a moment then silence. Odyany had been aboard too many ships to think that was only a black out, and he was right. A few moments after the quiet took over an explosion could be heard that threw Odyany out of his seat and up against the rail of the cat walk. the wind was knocked out of him but he didn't let that stop him. Gasping for air he rose to his feat and back to his station.
"Captain!" he yelled but before he could finish he heard a voice come through.
"Our right flank has been hit!"
"Get a hazmat team and Division Minerva down there now!" Odyany could make out the voice it was the captain. Odyany saw men and women running towards the damaged aria.
"Commander Pelegyak, prepare your division for counter fire.” Odyany heard the captain loud and clear.
“Division Apollo, prepare for counter fire!” Odyany said into his head set as he pushed some buttons. The 94 men and women that made up Division Apollo quickly lined up as they had been trained. Odyany had a hard time keeping his balance as the floor beneath him vibrated and jerked.
“Commander Pelegyak, keep your men on the guns we are going in for emergency landing.”
The sirens were blaring but Odyany focused on the monitors, “Where are you, you coward?” he whispered.
“Target identified!” one man yelled from his station
“G14 is ready for retaliation!” Another one hollered
“Fire!” Odyany ordered and on the radar he could see the lasers blazing forward.
“Target evaded fire!”
“Veering left and up!”
“Hylquin ready!”
“Fire!” came the order again
“Target has been hit.”
“Commander, permission to destroy?”
“Permission granted.” Odyany watched the screen and smiled when it indicated the target had been destroyed. Odyany hated all the formality that came with defensive firing. He loved being on the attack where the men had targets, had their orders, and didn’t have to go through all the formal jargoned.
“All Divisions emergency landing in five minutes.” The voice boomed through the whole ship and every man and woman scrambled to their stations. As they came closer Odyany braced himself. This would be a rough landing.
Odyany stepped out of the ship fourth behind the captain. It felt good to be on solid ground again. He smiled. The captain was trouble it was plainly written on his face. The vehicle that would take them to the palace soon arrived and the 12 heading commanders and three captains boarded. As they reached the palace the captain had not said a word but stared strait ahead. The vehicle stopped and the men got out and without a sound except the steady rhythm of their feet made it through the courtyard. The doors to the main hall opened and Odyany could see people everywhere. As they walked in Odyany knocked into someone who was leaving,
“My apologies ma’am.” He said nodding towards her.