Futuristic Fantasy Royalty RPG

Cat smiled. The land was getting closer and closer with each passing minute.
She hadn't been home in 12 years, and the sights were still fresh in her mind. The moment the Cutter rounded some rocks, she was surprised to see two ships battleing. "Oh...my...word..." she exclaimed, and she immediately looked up to Pilo. "Can you see them?!" she asked, throwing her teloscope upward. Pilo nodded. "Aye, Captian! They are in the port of Savaienna! We cannot go around, or we'll be shot!! " he said, but the rest of his voice was drowned out as a explosion ws heard, adn teh boat began to lower. "Port side! We've been hit!" Pilo cried, along with other crew members as well. "Abandon ship! Come on Men! Quickly!" Cat yelled, and her men went into the boats. She was the last one, but the ship was hit again, and she was thrown overboard, surfacing almost instantly, and beginnign to swim for shore....
Odyany stopped at the door as the three Captains walked briskly forward towards the queen and princess. Odyany looked over his shoulder and saw the young woman go down the stairs to his left. He didn't know what but there was something evasiv about her. he didn't like the feeling he got.
The Captain approached the Queen and Princess. He and the other two knelt before them.
"Your highness, there is a matte of national security that i must speak to you about at once." the captain said.
Odyany stopped at the door as the three Captains walked briskly forward towards the queen and princess. Odyany looked over his shoulder and saw the young woman go down the stairs to his left. He didn't know what but there was something evasiv about her. he didn't like the feeling he got.
The Captain approached the Queen and Princess. He and the other two knelt before them.
"Your highness, there is a matte of national security that i must speak to you about at once." the captain said.

Nia stopped at the bottom of the stairs, she ducked into the shadows and pulled out her gun. Now I just have to wait, she thought.
Cat swam. She knew land was getting nearer, but her arms began to feel like lead, and it was all too long before she lifted her self onto the dock. Though, as she looked up, she had to follow a pair of boots, then into the barrel of a gun. Soldiers stood, lifting her out, and she was surprised that her men had already been captured. They all kept silent as their wrists were bound behind their backs, and lead to the court....
Tatiana looked worryingly at Odyany. " Yes, Captain Polegyak?" She said.

ooc. oxford girl, are you trying to assassinate me?

ooc: Odyany is one of the commanders not the captain. I am sorry if I didn't make that very clear...my bad :(

Tatiana looked worryingly at Gerforth. " Yes, Captain Ebhone?" She said.
the captain rose to his feet and anyone who knew him could tell something distressed him greatly. we must call a war council, the rebellion is much closer and much more of a threat than we ever imagined."
Nia looked up, she saw the assassin on the roof of the building, he had his gun out and was looking through the scope. Nia looked through the scope on her gun, she shot him in the head. One down, ten hundred to go, Nia thought, she put her gun away and walked out from the shadows.
Odyany noticed movement down the stairs a way. and then he saw the young woman walk out of the shadows. Turning on his heals he walked down the stairs his hand ready on his saber. He came to a bend but before he walked around it he pulled his saber off his belt but didn’t release the beam just yet. What are you up to? He thought as he saw the woman go farther down the stairs. He noticed a gun a saber and a few other things she was carrying. He wanted to stop her but something told him not to. This wasn’t right, or in the least wasn’t normal.. turning to go he missed a step and slipped his saber clanking on the steps. Quickly he got up. I still have ship legs. He thought as he peered around the corner for the last time.
Nia heard something behind her, she stopped and tunred around. Some one knows who I am, she thought, she put her gun back on her belt and quickly walked, almost running.
Name: Pemma Ameriha, Princess of Selfynor
Age: 19
Bio: Her mother and father took a leave of absence when she was 17. Now she is struggling to rule her people. She is kind and passionate.
Looks: Light pink hair, :)D) green eyes, clear pale skin. Slim, tall.

Selfynor is a planet that is mainly forest. The palace of the royal family is hidden in the woods.
Nia heard something behind her, she stopped and tunred around. Some one knows who I am, she thought, she put her gun back on her belt and quickly walked, almost running.

Odyany heard footsteps behind him. silently he made his way around the next bend and hid in the shadows. he stood as silent as a statue waiting for her to round the corner.
Odyany wanted patiently her shadow moving up the stairs slowly as she rounded the corner Odyany in a flash wrapped his arm around her neck and his hand over her mouth. half dragging her he pulled her into a side corridor. Pulling out his saber he let the blade blaze yellow and bright. "don't scream or I wear I’ll run you though." he said still holding her close his arm tightly holding her throat, "Why did you fire that shot?" he asked
Odyany wanted patiently her shadow moving up the stairs slowly as she rounded the corner Odyany in a flash wrapped his arm around her neck and his hand over her mouth. half dragging her he pulled her into a side corridor. Pulling out his saber he let the blade blaze yellow and bright. "don't scream or I wear I’ll run you though." he said still holding her close his arm tightly holding her throat, "Why did you fire that shot?" he asked

"I..I dont know what you're talking about," Nia said, "let me go, your hurtting me."
As she squirmed Odyany tightened his hold on her his saber getting closer. "the less try to get free, the less pain you will inflict on yourself." he said in a hushed tone. he was steady and unmoved. he was a soldier this was not anything out of the ordinary for him. "Let me explain seeing how you’re having such a hard time remembering. you shot at someone on the roof. you had a laser H-I on your gun and a muffler. your no ordinary civilian because H-I are only issued to military personal or those who have stolen them and only professionals have been able to. so let me rephrase my question, who are you?"

ooc: H-I is short for heat intensifier. It is a little attachment that can be placed on a gun to make the laser so hot that it is nearly invisible. Mostly used by snipers.
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