Get to know your Narnians (please do not delete)

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inkspot said:
New question:
If you are going back to school, what grade and what subjects will you study this year?

I will be entering grade 11 this year. I will be taking Math, English, Modern Dance, Ballet Dance (I go to an arts school, so I get to take 2 dance credits a year) Biology, Gym, and Grade 12 Law. I'm gonna be busy this year :(

Same Q
I'm gonig into 12th this year... and am taking Aikido, Sewing, and guitar... and a bunch of other stuff... I can't remember...
7th. Yes now I finally qualify for Junior High! I'm homeschooled soooooo. Math, art, spelling, science, Writing, English,choir, piano, more stuff like that. The usual.

Same Q
Man!!! You Americans seem to have to do alot of subjects!! And really peculiar ones I've never heard of before. The most peculiar we get here is Sports Studies and Leisure & Tourism!!
I've been gone, so I didn't see Cloaked Shadow post before. Welcome, Cloaked Shadow.

Leisure/Tourism is a pretty bizarre course for high school or elementary school, WHB. Which American courses are you unfamiliar with?

Same Question, the rest of your school kids:
What grade are you in and what classes will you be taking?
Dunno really, looking back it was CS's and Tarkheena's. A whole subject on spelling?!?! Holyboy's dance one is odd, but then he does go to a dance school - so it sorta makes sense. Oh well - they sound more interesting than mine anyhoo!
I hog this computer from my family. Thats about it. I bike ride occationally, mostly to get stuff from the store, and sometimes I play baseball with my family at the park. But most of the time, I'm online, talking to friends and family, planning trips to see eachother. We usually don't get areound to seeing eachother, but that is not the point :)

Same Q
Wooooo!! How much Latin have you done - I speak Latin........well obviously I dont SPEAK latin, cos its dead but i write it...
waterhogboy said:
Wooooo!! How much Latin have you done - I speak Latin........well obviously I dont SPEAK latin, cos its dead but i write it...

I've done (officially) one year of High School latin - I went through all the declentions - congigating (sp?) irregular verbs - the works.

I also did a lot of suplimentarry work on the language. - I finished up two books intended to teach latin to Catholic schools, and a CD on how to prounouce chruch latin. (so I prounouce it Viti-viti-veechi - not witi-witi-weechi;))

I think I'm decent at writng it as well.

Can anyone translate my mod title?
I did whole days of Geometry and Algabra 2. I think we did take one week off completly.
Oh i think I know! My latin is very bad and el;arned mainly from Asterix books...but I think It's 'I am a something of Christ', follower perhaps? Sum = I am, and Christi = Christ but the Miles but has me a little stumped!
Whoa, you folks went to school right through the summer! I even got a break, such as it was, taking the kids to Orlando, Disney, Universal, etc.

Same Q.
I went to Santa Cruz, the beach, volleyball practice, played beach volleyball, went to the beach agian, saw some movies, and I witnessed at a temple opening with my church,...I'm probably going to summer school next year though.

Same Q.
Woooooo!!! My memory hasn't gone rusty even after a year...

OK - new question:

Q. What do you see yourselves doing in 10 years time?
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