Grammar Sticklers Unite!


New member
I'm starting this thread (in Dufferland, where I think it belongs) in order to promote the usage of good grammar and punctuation. All grammar-lovers can come here to commiserate and kvetch about bad grammar, and to talk about the merits of good grammar.

I'll start.

I know this is a common complaint, but one mistake that gets to me is the confusion of its and it's. Its is the possessive and it's is the contraction of it is or it was. The distinction is not that complicated!

Here's something I love: the semi-colon! It's very seldom used, and it's such a great tool. Use it to separate independent clauses (that means clauses that could stand as sentences on their own) within a sentence.

An example:
I love good grammar; some people think this makes me a dork; I do not care.
eh? :confused: *to Shadow Minion* Don's like my mother; wanting me to use gooder grammer..and punctuation..and spelling! *horrofied look* HIDE!

(sorry, I had to invade this thread...)
as a serious poster...your is the possesive. you're is you are. It is not this difficult to grasp.
Oh how I love grammar! And how I love the English language and all of its marvelous uses (that is, less the foul and filthy sets of words that are so popular among people nowadays). What gets to me sometimes, however, is the use of grammar in legal documents. :eek: Tedious! :D
I came out as the top student at school for my correct usage of grammar and acceptional academics in LA, amongst other subjects. :DI was whooped by all the students' parents, but, alas, that was embarassing. :rolleyes: I hope I never have to partake in an event like that again!

See, people? I'm good at grammar...I just don't like to show it..:) I'm lazy as a bum. :)

I'd like to join this Grammar-lovers-club..
With tongue hanging out and ears flapping in the breeze, I drove my dog to the vet today.

Coming up the front walk, the flowers looked lovely.

EveningStar said:
With tongue hanging out and ears flapping in the breeze, I drove my dog to the vet today.

Coming up the front walk, the flowers looked lovely.

ha ha. you sound like my grammar book.. with incorrect examples..
EveningStar said:
With tongue hanging out and ears flapping in the breeze, I drove my dog to the vet today.

Coming up the front walk, the flowers looked lovely.


Oh, oh! Big cyber-kudos to the first person who can correctly name the mistake in Evening Star's sentences, without looking it up!
Cool! I'd like to join the Grammar Sticklers club. I got an A in L.A.
Funny examples, ES! I always like to visualize for the incorrect modifiers... or misplaced. There was a really funny one in my textbook once! Something to do with a thousand-pound man... :D
Hester L. said:
OH! Aren't those misplaced modifiers or something like that?
Congratulations, Hester L.! You're correct. Evening Star is guilty of misplacing his modifiers.

His are a specific kind of misplaced modifier known as dangling participles. (The words "hanging," "flapping," and "coming" are participles; the phrases in which they are contained are known as participial phrases.)

See, isn't this fun?
arwenelizabeth said:
Congratulations, Hester L.! You're correct. Evening Star is guilty of misplacing his modifiers.

His are a specific kind of misplaced modifier known as dangling participles. (The words "hanging," "flapping," and "coming" are participles; the phrases in which they are contained are known as participial phrases.)

See, isn't this fun?
no! it's like being back in school!!!!! just so it's clear, i never was a huge fan of grammar.. diagramming is okay, but it gets confusing with like, gerunds and stuff........ this is a grammar-free zone!!!!!
*sprays anti-grammar spray*

yeah, im kidding ;)
~SkandaRocks~ said:
lol... :D I shall now go bonkers due to grammar confusion...
Remember to never lose your English textbook (like I did last year!) :p
no fear. i wish i could, but im homeschooled......

grammar confusion... me too ;)