Grammar Sticklers Unite!

arwenelizabeth said:
Congratulations, Hester L.! You're correct. Evening Star is guilty of misplacing his modifiers.

His are a specific kind of misplaced modifier known as dangling participles. (The words "hanging," "flapping," and "coming" are participles; the phrases in which they are contained are known as participial phrases.)

See, isn't this fun?
Haha, yeah, this is sort of fun. :rolleyes: If only my sitto was here *sigh*. Tehe, instead of playing on the monkey bars during recess, she did diagrams. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, I'm not great at grammar, but, thankfully, I do know the basics. :D
arwenelizabeth said:
Evening Star is guilty of misplacing his modifiers.

There's more than just that! I think what he was trying to get at, was the position of the phrases altogether. Even when separated by a comma, they are supposed to modify the closest noun. Hence, misplaced clauses can accidentally describe something else. I doubt the flower looked lovely when they were coming up the walk and I doubt ES' ears were flapping and his toungue was out while he was driving. His dog's another story.
Aitoren said:
There's more than just that! I think what he was trying to get at, was the position of the phrases altogether. Even when separated by a comma, they are supposed to modify the closest noun. Hence, misplaced clauses can accidentally describe something else. I doubt the flower looked lovely when they were coming up the walk and I doubt ES' ears were flapping and his toungue was out while he was driving. His dog's another story.
That's correct, Aitoren, but the mistake is still generally known as a misplaced modifier. A modifier can be a word or a phrase. His happened to be participial phrases, and they were dangling horribly. (I'm assuming that is what you're referring to when you say "the position of the phrases altogether.")
Protofan said:
l0lz!!!@@@22! j00 r 411 n00bz!
Protofan, I wouldn't say that you're using bad grammar. Your posts are what is known colloquially as "nonsense." I'd report you to a mod, but this is Dufferland and I've got a sneaking suspicion that nonsense is actually allowed here.
Protofan said:
l0lz!!!@@@22! j00 r 411 n00bz!
:rolleyes: ok.. i can kinda tell what you're saying. $p@^^ ^^el(!!!

arwenelizabeth said:
That's correct, Aitoren, but the mistake is still generally known as a misplaced modifier. A modifier can be a word or a phrase. His happened to be participial phrases, and they were dangling horribly. (I'm assuming that is what you're referring to when you say "the position of the phrases altogether.")
did you, like, teach grammar or something?
NOOOOOOO!!!!!! It was my future job to create this thread. :( I had a dream, and it was snatched away right before my eyes. *tear* That's okay. I forgive you. I'm still the one and original grammar police. :eek:
Tweetsie said:
NOOOOOOO!!!!!! It was my future job to create this thread. :( I had a dream, and it was snatched away right before my eyes. *tear* That's okay. I forgive you. I'm still the one and original grammar police. :eek:

Right you are, Tweets. Right you are..:cool: And I'm the grammar police's friend..:)
arwenelizabeth said:
That's correct, Aitoren, but the mistake is still generally known as a misplaced modifier. A modifier can be a word or a phrase. His happened to be participial phrases, and they were dangling horribly. (I'm assuming that is what you're referring to when you say "the position of the phrases altogether.")

Ya, I don't know the right names for all that stuff. I go by ear, not by my English book. Thanks for the clarification.

y00!!! u $P334 lIk d8t nuff? h888!!!!1!!!1!1!1!One! n00 b0d3 3l$e g37$ it.

It's not nonsense, it's... ya...
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Aitoren said:
Ya, I don't know the right names for all that stuff. I go by ear, not by my English book. Thanks for the clarification.

y00!!! u sP334 lIk d8t nuff? h888!!!!1!!!1!1!1!One! n00 b0d3 3ls3 g37s i7.

It's not nonsense, it's... ya...
ok. i have no idea what you said...

and i was just playing around with my keyboard (computer whatever-it's-called).. just fwi..
♣Teh Deviant♣ said:
...yes, I dont know the exact terms, either, but I do know when something is wrong in a sentence. :D
yeah. it's like, 'somethings wrong there.. dont know what though.... *thinks hard* oh well' ;) that's me right there...... ;)