Harry Potter VS. Narnia

HP is far from satanic. I never understand why people think it is satanic.
That is the wrong impression. I am a christian myself and I like HP. If you haven't seen it, you can't judge. It is not meant for small children. Why? Because there is some violence in it. NOT BECAUSE OF SO CALLED SATANIC RITUALS! I agree with harlequin here. It is not quite fair to ask which is better because this is a Narnia site. People will choose Narnia by far even when they say they are crazy about the HP movies. Ask people the same question on a HP site and they will choose HP. I like HP and I like Narnia. Narnia has a deeper meaning behind it because of the Bible and Christ. That is what makes it so beautiful. The sacrifice of Aslan and the change in Edmund. I just love the appearance of Aslan in all the books. He is so awesome! When you look at the deeper meaning behind the story, I would say Narnia because of the appearance of Christ and what He did for us, but when you look at it without the deeper meaning but as a story itself, I would say HP.
I think I prefer the Harry Potter books more. I like the plot of Harry potter more, and I hated the Last Battle, which made it kind of change my opinion of the Narnia books in a way. And I'm not a Christian, and although I like the deep meaning and everything, it doesn't really mean much to me. I enjoy reading them though.

For the books I choose Harry Potter, but for the films... the Chronicles of Narnia with no hesitation. :D
Harry Potter and Narnia, have two different themes to them. But they are both fantasy and I LOVE them both. The Harry Potter books are better than the Narnia books though.
So hard to choose. But I am more of a Harry Potter freak then I am with narnia cuz most of my friends are HP fanatics and I have been loyal to hp for so long. And my friends are Christians(as am I) and we dont think HP is "Satanic".