Haunted House

ooc; sure

Nina went by her older sisters hoping to feel protected.
"Is t just me or do you feel like you are being watched.? I'm creeped. And Ma and dadddy wont notice. will they?"

She looked at her sister standing in the doorway. "No, mom and dad don't seem to notice much lately, do they?" She sighed, but she tried not to show her sisters her true fears. "I'm sure this place will just take a little getting used to. Everything will be fine." She smiled.
She looked at her sister standing in the doorway. "No, mom and dad don't seem to notice much lately, do they?" She sighed, but she tried not to show her sisters her true fears. "I'm sure this place will just take a little getting used to. Everything will be fine." She smiled.

oioc: idk.. u can play her C.R.

ic: "I know rite! I doubt this house will be used to. I am getting a bad vibe.. And Im the adventures twin!"
Amora shurgged. "They're parents, they're supposed to be dumb." She laughed slightly. "We should all probably get ready for dinner." She stood up.
"They'll absolutely never believe us" Maria snapped...."I can beraly believe this!! almost but...arg" She walked outta the room..."Yeah!! lets get dinner!.." she shouted.
Amora sat down at the table. She looked at her mother who was serving the food. "Thanks, mom. Looks delicious."
She smiled. "Thank you. So, are you all settled in your rooms."
Amora nodded, but didn't say anything.
"Yes mom..." Maria replied...trying to smile although it was kinda fake.
Tasting the food, then her smile turned a real one.
"Thanks a lot, its great.." she said.
Amora enjoyed the taste of the food. It was delicious, but she still had a sort of sick feeling in her stomach, so it was hard to completely enjoy it.
Maria noticed something weird on her older sister..."Whats wrong?..you dont like the food?.." she added the last question with a tone of..impossible.
Amora nodded. "May we be excused, mom?"
"Of course. You have enough to eat?"
"Yeah." She got up and walked upstairs with Maria. "This place gives me a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach."
"Rea-" She was about to ask when suddenly as they walked up by the stairs a vase fell above her, she fell to a side avoiding it to crash on her head, but it hit her leg.