high school of music

Kitty stood there watching, her arms crossed.
"Janeis there's nothing they can do about the way they feel. And if you really do care about Jimi then you shouldn't be upset that you guys are still friends. And you should want him to be happy, and Anna makes him happy. He said he still cared about you. Isnt that enough?"

ooc: omg i just went through this like same exact thing in real life
ooc: a good friend. I was in Janies's position. Well not exactly. You see, we were like best, best friends and we told each other that we did like each other, but we never went out. Then we decided we couldnt like go out at the momnet and eventually said we didnt like each other anymore (except i still did, but i didnt say) Then we got closer and closer but then he met this other girl and now they like each other and he doesnt even hang with me anymore and...well you get the point.

ic: Kitty nodded her head