Highschool Graceling

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"I'm Dani," she said, holding out her hand. "You probably know me from the Academics Club. That's my grace," she explained. "But please, keep it secret," she added.
"Well," she started, adressing both Mike and Dayton. "We 'gracelings' need to stick together," she said, smiling. "And I can help you figure out what teachers are onto our cases and whatnot," she added. "Anyway, what classes do you have next?"
Aoife bit her lip as she sat in the woods. Her whole image of Oliver was changed. He had a Grace? In what insane world did that idea exist? Apparently this one, she thought bitterly.
Dayton quickly touched where Mike was hit and the pain left her. A faint pain was felt at the back of his own mind, but it wasn't as bad as the pain leaving his mother.
" Thanks Dayton," she told him, with a smile " I was tell you something what I saw," she told him " But not here," she told him.
She took a deep breath " You know I can see things before it happens right?," she asked, closing her eyes " Well when I touch you I saw something about us," she told him, with a huge smile on her face.
"Us?" Dayton looked concerned, "what do you mean? I barely know you." Inside, Dayton felt a sudden rush of feeling he couldn't exactly place.
She laughed " I know that Dayton it looked like it was around May when this was happening," she told him, still with a huge smile on her face " and it's all most the end of April ," she told him.
She nodded " Yeah, that's right," she told him, gently putting her hand in his " I can't touch skin so I have to wear gloves," she told him, with a sigh.
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