Hobbit name :)

Acaelia Elestirnë is my human name,
Mavyan Thorney , Princess of the Halflings is my hobbit name
Ossë , Lady of Waters is my wizard name...
Hobbit name: Nora Burrows of Tuckborough
Elven name: Arien Eledhwen
So now everyone knows where I got my username from:D I´ve been to that site before, but then I tried all the combinations of my name...

On the other site it´s like this:
Hobbit name: Jangwen Oddfoot, Princess of the Halflings
Elven name: Glólindë Evenstar
Dwarf name: Jeanoic, Queen of Durin’s Folk
Human name: Wiciladith of the Oghor-hai
Wizard name: Ilmarë the High Queen of Arda
As somebody pointed out to me in the most post game once, I´m royal:cool:
From MGGT link:

Hobbit: Della 'the Small' Tunnelly, Princess of the Halflings

Elven: Giong Cúthalion

Dwarven: Sylla the Ironfoot

Human: Unelavia of the Men of Old

Wiz: Valaraukar the Grey
Long ago, I visited some site that offered hobbit-names; I'm not sure if it was the same source being discussed here. Anyway, it gave me the hobbit-name "Bolo Moss."
Hobbit: Nonoic Leatherleaf, Ring-finder
Elven: Eowilmathiel Queen of Nargothrond
Swarf: Syniver of Belegost
Human: Aceralind Queen of Arnor
Wizard: Valaraukar of Many Colours
Hmmm, that's a rather interesting site...

It seems that my Hobbit name is: Pansy Brandybuck of Buckland
And my Elf Name is: Gilraen of Dorthonion (Oh, at least I'm not an Elf with a last name!)
According to first site :

Hobbit : Lobelia Bolger of Newbury
Elvin : Galadriël Cúthalion

And to the other :

Hobbit : Mavyan Chubb of Westmarch
Elvin : Tinaraviel Queen of Lórien
Dwarf : Elaell Zirak
Human : Wedia Envinyatar
Wizard : Curunír, Lady of the Valar

Last edited:
From Vanessa's last link:

Hobbit name:
Jwra 'Proudfoot' Sandheaver, Ring-finder (a little weird if you ask me)

Elrowien Eluchíl

Colla, Queen of Durin’s Folk

Laralen of the Men of Westernesse

Arien, Grey Pilgrim
Woohoo! This looks fun! :D

Hobbit Name: Nibrylla Mugwort of the Shire

Elven: Elvarang Shipwright

Dwarf: Bruniver of Moria

Human: Reaveth Princess of Ithilien

Wizard: Alatar Stormcrow
I did it again :D

Hobbit name (I used my three names)
First name: Cylla 'Masterfull' Handyman of Westmarch
Second name: Gworyan Boffin of Buckland
Third name: Ysedda Digswell of Tuckborough (yes, I,m a Took :P )
All together: Movyan Boffin of Bywater
Only my first and surname: Rudda Spinner of Bywater

Elvish name:
First name: Thrilmaviel Peredhil
Second name: Madë Queen of Doriath
Third name: Elvithien Lady of Lórien
All together: Horfiwiel Keeper of the Ring
Only my first and surname: Galil-Gadë Lady of the Golden Wood

Still the same :D
I did my last name too, this time:

Hobbit name: Lealonna Long Cleve of Nobottle

Elf name: Rathien Queen of the Noldor

Dwarf name: Aloniver of Belegost

Human name: Onoen Queen of Númenor

Wizard name: Aiwendil, Powers of Arda