Hobbit name :)

If you have Galil's ring better guard it with your life! I'm sure many museums would like to get their hands all over it!
First link:
Hobbit: Prisca Sandybanks of Frogmorton
Elven: Alassë Telemnar

Second Link:
Hobbit: Jaessa 'the Young' Brownlock of Buckland
Elven: Tinánia the Blessed
Dwarf: Seavyan Elf-friend
Human: Lothelawen of the Usurpers
Wizard: Uinen the Fool

My views on my names:
Hobbit #1: Interesting
Hobbit #2: Buckland cool!
Elven #1: Me likey that!!
Elven #2: I'm glad that I'm blessed and not cursed
Dwarf: Friend of the elves is good
Human: Usurpers?? Why Usurpers??
Wizard: I knew there was a reason why I don't like wizards.
My results:

Hobbit: Clealyan Starsley of Buckland
Elf: Tódia Queen of Gondolin- Yay, now I'm Queen of three places!
Human: Lissi Elentirmo
Dwarf: Jidda Stonehelm
Wizard: Ilmarë, Lady of Waters

Oh and then I put in "Mozart" instead of my real name and got this:
Hobbit: Caena Archer, Princess of the Halflings- this pleases me greatly :D
Human: Hilinia Elestirnë
Elf: Tararith Queen of Lórien- They really want me to be queen of something. o.o
Dwarf: Alussa Zirak
Wizard: Aiwendil, Lady of the Valar
Motivated by Mozart, I went for the elf name next and came up with:

Amrod Telemmaite, king or prince of nothing. :(

I guess some are cut out for royalty and some are not.
This looks fun!

Hobbit: Gwevyan 'Masterfull' Neerlock of the Shire

Elven: Elraralia of the House of Fingolfin

Dwarf: Lacla the Simple

Human: Meran of the Children of the Sun

Wizard: Incánus of the Great Ones

I think I like the Human one the best then the Hobbit one... :D
Hmm. Me Likey. ;)

My names for first link:
Hobbit:Tigerlily Overhill of Rushy
Elven:Tári Isilrá

from the second link:
Hobbit Name:Gwealyan Starsley of Tuckborough
Elven Name:Gythien High Queen of the Noldor
Dwarf Name:Elaebrylla Oakenshield
Human Name:Aleviel Alcarin
Wizard Name:Curumo, Lady of the Breath of Arda
First link
Hobbit: Berylla Moss of Lake-by-Downs.
Elf: Itarildë Vardamir. I really like that one.

Second link:
Hobbit: Ysaecla Oldbuck of Fair Downs. How do you even pronounce that?
Elf: Pewen Greycloak.
Dwarf: Delonna, Queen of the Glittering Caves.
Human: Rhiandra Húrin.
Wizard: Curumo, Lady of the Stars. I like that, too.
One of the links wasn't working for me, but the Hobbit and Elf one gave me Poppy Dogwood of Shadydowns and Eärwen Alcarin.
I'm surprised I haven't done this already! :)

Here are mine from the first site:
Hobbit: Tigerlily Hardbottle
Elf: Tári Elanessë

And from the other:
Hobbit: Naellyra Baggins of Westmarch (Yay, I'm a Baggins! hehe)
Elf: Calyniel the Fair
Dwarf: Laniver, Queen of Durin’s Folk
Human: Abaesa of the Púkel-men
Wizard: Incánus the High Queen of Arda