

New member
Its your first year at Hogwarts! Problems may come your way but you will sometimes see Harry and his friends pass by. But first you are in Diagon Alley buying your items to be a wizard. When you get to Hogwarts you will be called to go to the sorting hat.

Mine is....
Name: Ana Chang(Cho's cousin)
Bio: Is Cho's little cousin and loves learing spells! She has little interest in boys...
Appearance: long black hair,brown eyes,asian,hair is usally in two long pigtails
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SweetieGirl said:
Its your first year at Hogwarts! Problems may come your way but you will sometimes see Harry and his friends pass by. But first you are in Diagon Alley buying your items to be a wizard. When you get to Hogwarts you will be called to go to the sorting hat.

Mine is....
Name: Ana Chang(Cho's cousin)
Bio: Is Cho's little cousin and loves learing spells!
A Harry Potter rpg?? Oh yeah, count me in!

Name: Charles Zabini (Blaise's brother)
Age: 11
Bio: Considered a disgrace to his family, because he is different from them in every way: he has the potential to be in Gryffindor, loves to learn advanced magic over potion-making, and can't wait to get his hands on a broom.
Kate Granger: Hermione`s cousin and Muggle-born has striaght, golden hair and violet eyes. Very nice and 2nd smartest girl in Hogwarts. Slightly hyper.

Age: 10 1/2
Name: Miley Raynie
Age: 12
Bio: She was born in America and recently moved to england where she found out that she was a witch. Muggle born. Long blonde hair, icy blue eyes, short for her age.
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Name: Maerad (pronounced Myrad) Seaver
Age: 11
Bio: Is really kind and is sure to help when someone's in need. She is really good with her broom even though she doesn't like Quidditch at all because someone might get injured. She is good in charms.
Long brown hair (usually pulled up to a ponytail) and dark brown eyes.
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name: Elizabeth (Lizzy) Akren

age: 12

Bio: Lizzy is a very quiet girl who doesn't have many friends. But she is excellent in many of her classes. She has dark brown hair, she is tall, and she has hazel eyes.
OMG! Yes! I shall join!

Name: Shannon-Alice (pronounced "Ah-lee-suh") Brown
Age: 11
Bio: is Lavender Brown's little sister. Shannon-Alice's parents want her to get into Gryffindor just like Lavender, but Shannon-Alice isn't so sure.
She has red hair and green eyes, and is very pretty.
Shannon-Alice is very embarassed by her sister's constant talking about boys, clothes, and any thing else "girly" (Shannon-Alice is a lot like Ginny - a tomboy).
-Very athletic
-Loves Quidditch (Prefferably Seeker)
-Is very good at magic (DADA, Charms, Transfiguration are her stengths)
-Wants to take every class Hogwarts offers
-Has an Pygmy Puff she bought at WWW named Dreme (Dreme is light red)
-Has an owl named Arebesque, a snowy owl
-Her wand is 12 inches, Ash, with a core of Phoenix feather (not from Fawkes, but Fawkes' father, Ahen)
-Very smart
-Birthday is February 25th, 1982 (my birthday date, not year!)Her birthday is in association with her wand.
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is it late to join in if not here is every thing

Name: Emily lee Granger

age 11

Bio: she is the cozin of Hermione she have bold hair and some time have she fell like so she have pointy ears just for fun she have a bronw spotted Owl name spot she kind of like her cozin
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Tabitha Storm

long light colored hair, tall for her age. excellent at DADA, (I have a wand I got offline. it's Black Palm, 14 and a half inches
name:callie O'bryen
Age: 14
description(sp?): curly strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, tall for her age.
Bio: is very good at sports but is not very smart. can be a little annoying at times but her intentions are good.

Ana was at Diagon Alley buying her items to go to Hogwarts. "I like this owl
Cho!"Ana said looking at the owl that basically looked like Harry's owl that was white with black spots. "Could we have this owl please?"Cho said looking at the owner. "Alrighty then shes a beautiful owl at that"the owner said smiling. THen they headed to the wand store. "Go on and choose a wand Ana"
Cho said looking at her little cousin. "Okay then said looking at a box"Ana siad pulling out one. "Oh no not this one!"ANa said putting is back and then pulling
another wand. Ana thne pulled it out and then Ana knew this one was hers.
"Ready to go!"Ana said leaving with Cho.
On the train.....
Ana and Cho were sitting in the train waiting to go to Hogwarts.

ooc-Could someone be Ana's best friend that goes into their place where their sitting and sit with them?Oh yeah Cho is shopping with Ana because her mum was busy.
Eimly was look for a owl she saw a owl right by the window " Oh he the one I will get him May I please" she said to the owner she all ready have most every thing for school all she needs now is a Olw the owner put him on her arm" come now let go see what my cozin doing if she ready to go" she said to her little Olwshe sit by her best friend on the train.

i got it...

Sychadia Weasley...rons cousin
Ginger hair (in real life and this), blue eyes...very short for age
quite smart, loves being a witch!(who wouldn't!) has a massive crush on harry(again...in real life and this) ;) C:
very very overly hyper!!
Shannon-Alice sighed.
She was sitting in the hot sun, in a metal chair, listening to her sister Lavender and her sister's best friend Parvati Patil chat animatedly about their summers, which had only about a day or so of them not together.
Like anything happened those few days they weren't with eachother!
"...and I got a letter from Roscoe - " Lavender was saying.
"Roscoe? That Hufflepuff?" gasped Parvati, her big, liquidy brown eyes wide in shock.
"Yes!" giggled Lavender. Shannon rolled her eyes.
She stood up.
"Where are you going?" snapped Lavender, tearing her eyes onto her little sister.
"Walk," said Shannon.
"Not alone! Sit down," commanded Lavender.
"But it's boring listening to you two jabber!" complained Shannon.
"Suck it up," said Lavender irritably.
"Let me at least go look at the owls!" begged Shannon, pointing down the street. "It's only a few shops down!"
Lavneder bit her lip. "Fine," she gave in finally.
"Thank you!" breathed Shannon, and happily skipped off to join the crowed thronging outside of Eeylopes Owl Emporioum.